Not So Perfect family

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Bella/Edward, Bella/Esme- Bella is cheating on her alcoholic husband with her mother-in-law, and her husband is cheating on her with too many women to even notice her infidelity. Her kids are spiraling with the family, but when people are around they act perfect and normal.


Bella's POV

I walked through the door of my house, I smelt the smell of weed and alcohol. I decided to ignore it and went into the kitchen, I poured myself a glass of wine. As I walked up the steps I saw my husband passed out on the couch, beer bottles by his feet and lipstick all over his neck. I rolled my eyes and went into my bedroom, I no longer shared it with him, he slept on the couch. I passed my son's room which smelt like weed, he was old enough and it was none of my business if he kept it to himself. I passed my daughters who was just playing loud music, to drown out everything in the house.

I closed the door and locked it, I turned on the TV as I sat on the bed, playing something that would be forgotten about. I pulled out my phone and hit the call button, after a couple of rings it was answered. "My Bella, how are you today?" I sighed and sat back, "It's just one of those days again, I just wish it was going the way I want it to." She hummed, "And what way is that?" I bit my lip, I've voiced my opinions before, but it was still hard to say. "I don't want him here, I want you, but we're both stuck in a horrible marriage. I wish we didn't have to pretend to be this stupid perfect family, where is it gonna get us in life down the road? Nowhere, we will be those people who were too stuck up to live." She sighed, I hated when she would sigh like that.

"I know that, but baby there's nothing we can do about it. Where we live, reputations mean everything. It's how we get through life, it's how your kids get into good colleges, get good jobs." I scoffed, "That's just a bullshit excuse and you know it, we could move somewhere, where it doesn't matter, where we could be us." She was silent, a long silence. "Tell me when you're ready, because I'll pack up. My kids are adults and so are yours, they can decide who to be with." I bit my lip, thinking. "I already have the divorce papers ready, I just have to give them to him. I can't take the kids, but I will tell them where I am. They have cars and phones, and they can find me. If I take them, it might make it harder for me to get full custody, you know how powerful he is, I have to play it safe." She hummed, and I knew she was nodding.

"We'll leave tomorrow, leave your car, I'm picking you up at 2 a.m, Edward should be out drinking, we'll be okay." I hung up the phone and started packing clothes and some essentials. I left the room and went into my daughter's room, Renesme's first. "Honey, I'm leaving tomorrow. I will text and call you, you're old enough to leave this place, you have your bank account, but your father is powerful, if I take you he could hurt us. You need to leave on your own, same with your brother, ok? Don't worry, I'll be safe, and if you want to stay, that's ok." She looked up at me and nodded, she knew one day I would leave, I never wanted to stay. I kissed her forehead before going to my son's room and telling him the same.

He hated his father, but I knew he would come with me eventually. I kissed his head and went back to my room, locking the door. I laid in bed, ignoring the sound of Edward's car leaving. I fell asleep pretty quickly, knowing he was gone for the night.

Next day

I woke up and went into my bathroom, I started showering and getting ready for the day. Once I was done I got dressed and checked my phone, I saw a message from Esme telling me she was ready for tonight. I sent a heart emoji and went downstairs, my kids were at school and Edward was still gone. He was probably rushing to work still drunk, like every other day. I made myself something to eat before heading back to the room.

Throughout the day I kept in touch with Esme, making sure we were still doing it. She was more than ready, she wanted to leave Carlisle a long time ago but I wasn't ready, but now I am. I also kept in touch with my kids, updating them on where we planned on going and when so they knew. I heard Edward come back, grabbing more beers but I wasn't expecting him to come upstairs. Luckily I kept my door locked always, he knocked. "Bella, let me come in baby. I've missed that sexy body of yours, come on baby I'm so hard for you." That meant no woman wanted him, I ignored him and he hit the door one more time, hard. "I said let me in, you're my wife and I am your husband. You're supposed to please me when I say, I work hard for this family." I rolled my eyes, his words slurring.

"No Edward, I work hard too, I don't come home wanted to be harassed by my cheating husband. I am not in the mood tonight, just go jerk yourself off to one of your coworkers." He hit the door once more before leaving, I grabbed my phone and checked the time, it was only 8 o'clock. I laid back on the bed and sighed, I just wanted the day to be over so I could leave. I closed my eyes after setting a quiet alarm for 2 a.m., I fell back to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm going off and a phone call, I saw it was from Esme, she was outside my house. Edward was gone and she was ready for me to come out, I pulled out the divorce paper and walked out of my bedroom with it and my bags. I set it on the coffee table and left, I walked outside and got into Esme's car. I threw my stuff in the back seat with hers, and she zoomed out of the driveway and drove off. I sighed and covered my eyes, I couldn't believe we just left our husbands. Left everything behind, just like that. I leaned my head against the window and fell asleep as she drove out of town.

I woke up to her shaking me, I looked at her and she smiled. "We're at the motel a few towns away, come on I already got us a room and put everything inside." I nodded and yawned, I got out and she took me inside. I got onto the bed and she pulled me close as she laid next to me, she wrapped her arm around my stomach. My shirt rode up at the movement and she took it as a way to trail her fingers on it, I arched my body into her touch. She smirked and kissed me, I kissed back and she straddled me.

Next day
I woke up to both of our phones ringing, I sat up as Esme slept through it. I grabbed mine but looked at hers, it was Carlisle, and mine was Edward. I decided to answer it, "What do you want Edward?" "Where are you?! My mother and my wife disappear in the night and both my father and I have divorce papers, what the fuck are you both playing at?" I shook Esme as I listened to him scream. Esme grabbed her phone and hung up on Carlisle, "Listen, Edward, I left you because I can't be that perfect wife with our fake perfect family. You don't even hide the fact you cheat on me, you're an alcoholic and I can't anymore, I cheated on you too." He scoffed at that, "With whom? What man would want a waste of space like you? I've told you before, you can't find anyone better than me." Before I could say anything Esme took the phone, "Tell your father I am happily in a relationship with Bella, I love her, more than anyone. Even you, Edward."

She hung up the phone and blocked their numbers from our phones, I pulled her into a kiss. "No more pretending to be a perfect family, let's just be one."

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