Like Me Better

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Emily Fields/Original Female Character- Stephanie Marin the twin sister of Hanna was in love with their best friend, Emily, who was with Alison. Stephanie had decided to go on a tour as a singer/videographer for her other friend's group's band during the summer. During her tour the day before she got back, her song was released on the radio and they heard the news. Emily got all the girls into the car to hear their best friend's song. 'Like Me Better- Rosemary Joaquin' LOVE THIS SONG

Emily's POV

I was on the phone with my best friend Stephanie, she was supposed to come back tomorrow but she wanted to let me and the girls know something. We were all on the call but she was the most important one since she was gone all summer. "So, my new song is going to be on the radio for the first time today! I'm seriously so excited," She smiled widely and we all cheered, I texted her privately if she knew the radio and time, she sent me the message and we said bye. I got in my car and sent a message to everyone saying I was picking them up. I headed to Hanna's first since she was closer than Aria, Ali, and last but not least Spencer. Once they were all in I parked and turned on the radio, we had a few minutes till it should be on.

"So why are we all hanging out in the car?" Spencer looked at me confused, I waved her off. "Next up is a new song, by an upcoming lesbian artist. Like Me Better by Stephanie Marin!" We heard the song start playing, cheering loudly.

"You played my favorite song
I know you're the one that put it on
Nobody hears it but me
All of our friends are making noise
Spilling their drinks and kissing boys but you're all I see
Feels like passing notes when you pass me my drink
Maybe it's the liquor playing games with me"

I smiled widely looking back at the girls as they all smiled, I thought about all the parties we had gone to, and I always made sure to pay the DJ extra to play a song I knew that would get her dancing. 

"I know you got a girl
But I think you like me better
No, we don't need to rush
One day we'll be together
So, you say the word
And I'll be on the way
Yeah, I know you got a girl
But I think you like me better, me better

I think of you all the timе
Something about your leg when it brushеs mine
I'm losing my focus
Does anyone notice
It's an inside joke made just for you and me
Oh, you should let me know if I'm reading too deep"

My eyes widened at the lyrics, it was at that moment I realized it was a love song. A love song about me, for me? I felt the tension thicken in the car, it was definitely from Aria and Alison, I refused to look at anyone I could feel the glare from Alison beside me. It wasn't like I ever cheated on her, I would never. Maybe emotionally, I did have feelings for Stephanie, but I was with Alison and I never knew she felt that way. 

"I know you got a girl
But I think you like me better
No, we don't need to rush
One day we'll be together
So, you say the word
And I'll be on the way
Yeah, I know you got a girl
But I think you like me better, me better

You like me better you
You like me better
You like me better you
You like me better, baby
You like me better
You like me better
You like me better

I know you got a girl
Right now she's your whole world
But I know you were meant for me
So I'll wait here patiently"

I had stayed silent for the rest of the song, a blush on my cheeks that was most likely visible. Once the song was over it went to a hit song on the radio, something I didn't pay attention to. All I could hear was her singing, singing for me. I slowly looked back at the girls, they were all looking at me. Alison with her signature glare, Hanna and Spencer with a knowing smile, and Aria with her awkward smile. I cleared my throat, "I-I um liked the song... did you guys?" They all nodded except Alison, I swallowed and licked my dry lips. "To be fair, I didn't know the song was about me... well I uh I think it's about me? I mean I did play her songs at parties... but th-that's it!" I looked at Alison, I was a sucky liar and it was noticeable. 

Since we were still outside Spencer's house, Alison got out and walked to hers. I thought about if I should chase her, but I didn't I stayed still, glued to my seat. I saw her hesitate to go in, looking back to see if I was behind her. "You have feelings for Stephanie, don't you?" I looked at Hanna, she was my best friend, and so was Stephanie. I slowly nodded, and they all smiled at me. "Call her," They got out of the car and went into Spencer's house, I pulled out my phone and called Stephanie. 
Stephanie's POV

I was sitting in my car, I was driving home early as a surprise for Hanna. I knew she missed me and I missed her and mom, I had just listened to my song on the radio I was still feeling the high from the excitement. Of course, I was nervous, I knew Emily was also listening to it, it meant the girls were too. Hanna and Spencer were the only ones who knew about my raging crush on Emily, I told Hanna, and Spencer was just too smart not to know about it. 

I heard my phone going off, it connects to the Bluetooth in the car. I answered it without looking at who it was, "Hello?" "Hey, I uh, I heard your song." I heard Emily's nervous voice on the phone, I blushed and cleared my throat. "Oh... what did you think of it?" She chuckled quietly, "I liked it, you know, you could have told me how you felt about me. Especially since I feel the same about you, I do have to break up with Alison still, but I want you to know I do like you better." I laughed and smiled, sighing in relief. "I was so scared to know if you felt the same, I knew it could go a thousand different ways. I know Alison is probably pissed at me, but I hope I can make it up to her. Listen I'm driving right now, I'll call you soon ok?" "Yeah, talk soon Steph." She hung up and I continued driving, smiling.

2 Hours later

I arrived in Rosewood driving to my house first, I parked and walked in, seeing my mom home. She called out to Hanna, thinking it was her. I didn't tell her I was coming either, I walked into the kitchen to see her doing the dishes. She turned around and broke into a wide smile, "Stephanie! You're back, Hanna should be here soon, she was hanging out with Emily." I smiled and walked over to her, she took off the gloves and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back with a smile, "You know, I was on my way back from work and got to hear your song on the radio. Who was that about hm?" I sat at the island, she sat next to me. "Emily, she called me after she listened to it, to tell me she felt the same, she just had to handle Alison." My mom tapped my knee with a smile and rolled her eyes. 

"Alison will be alright, if I knew any better they were gonna break up soon anyways. That girl was always something else, and that wasn't always nice, not even to Emily." I nodded in agreement, I heard the front door open, I knew they weren't gonna recognize the car since it was a new one since I never had one. "Mom who's here?" I heard all the girls following, most likely without Alison. Hanna came in and saw me as I stood up, she broke into a smile and ran over. I pulled her into a tight hug, laughing. "Hey sis," She pulled away with a curious smile, "What are you doing here? I thought you were coming back tomorrow," I shrugged, "I wanted to surprise you, and it worked." I saw Emily behind her, she came over and I pulled her into a hug. "Welcome back, Steph." I smiled and hugged the rest of the girls, Emily gave me a look and I knew that meant she broke up with Alison.

After talking with the girls for a little, Emily and I snuck out to the front of the house. "So... you wrote a song about me." I nodded and looked at her, "I did, and I meant it." She smiled, "I would like to take you on a date, Steph. I really like you, I always have." I smiled and nodded, "I'd like that," I gently held her hand in mine and we watched the sun slowly go down. 

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