The Truth Always Comes Out

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Elena/Syd- Elena is r@ped and finds out she's pregnant, panicking about what to tell her Sydnificant other, Syd, she tries to hide the test but on Halloween night her mom confronts her about it. Wondering if it could be hers, Elena comes clean and her family is there for her and Syd promises to always be by her side. (abortions are illegal in this story) (For Syd's last name I went for the actress' last name as Syd does not have one)

Elena's POV

I had tried distracting myself with the fact that something, no someone is growing inside of me. I haven't told my mom, let alone Syd, I was scared of what they would think. That I cheated, that I wanted what happened to me to happen, that what I wanted was on purpose, that I had the heart to hurt them. Now it's Halloween, the day when Syd and I get to try and make a change in the world, while also getting candy. I say it's a win-win, I found out a week ago I was pregnant, with...His baby, the guy I hated, loathe even.

I didn't know how to feel, or how to handle what was going on. I had a job with Schneider and I knew this was going to change everything, change how I worked, how I woke up, how I ate, slept, breathed, and there was nothing I could do, not now, not since the laws were passed. Syd and I were standing by the table, we had just dumped out our candy to show Abuelita and Leslie how much we had gotten when my mom walked in. Alex and Max were behind her, my eyes drifted to her hands, and I felt my face pale even more when I noticed it was a pregnancy test in a ziplock bag. She came over and set it down, taking a deep breath as Schneider and Avry came in. "Elena, is there any way that is yours?" I thought of something, something to say, something snarky, a reminder I'm gay, but I couldn't I couldn't speak.

They were all looking at me, wondering why I wasn't speaking, Syd, they were the most confused. "Yes, it's it's mine, mom." I slowly sat down on the chair that was next to me, feeling my legs give out almost. My mom, her face dropped, her eyes got teary and Max put a hand on her shoulder, I felt Syd leave my side, something that made everything feel worse. "Did you cheat on Syd?" I looked at my mom, my mind was screaming at me to scream at her, for her to even think of it. I just shook my head, my mouth was dry, and my body was frigid, tense, and cold. "If you didn't cheat then..." I looked at my Abuelita, then at Alex, they all realized what it meant. "I was... raped mom, remember um Lucas, the kid I told you was arrested on drug charges?" She nodded, "Well that wasn't the only thing he was arrested for,"

Her tears finally fell as she realized what had happened to her baby, her 17-year-old daughter, the one who was going to Yale. The one with a job, the one with a life ahead of her, yet here she is now, a rape victim and now a teen mom. Syd finally moved, their body had been still while their eyes were on me the entire time, never leaving me. They moved a chair next to mine and put their hand on my thigh gently, not wanting to scare me. "No matter what happens, I will always be there for you, you have your family, you have me, you have your friends. I won't let anything happen to you, I know we have plans for our future, we can work around them, ok? Everything will be ok," I pulled them into a hug, hiding in their neck. I couldn't believe I had someone as amazon as Syd.

6 Months later
Syd and I have decided to wait till the baby is at least one before going to college, and we will be going to community colleges together instead. It would be easier since I would need support from my mom, and it meant that Syd would be by my side. Syd has kept their promise and has been with me through everything, my mom has finally let them start staying the night in my bed, and we switched rooms. Since I will now be needed to have room for our baby, we are getting a bigger bed in the new room. I tried telling my mom she didn't need to take my room, but she insisted it would be better for the baby, besides it was closer to the bathroom.

I haven't told my papi, I don't know how. I know I should trust him, he's better, happy for me and he gets along with Syd, even though it took some time getting used to the 'they/them'. My mom has invited him over with Nicole today, I wasn't prepared, I was nervous and craving pickles. Alex was my hero, he always went out the minute I wanted something, Syd would too, but since they couldn't always be there it would be Alex, Leslie, or Schneider. I was sitting on the couch, Syd was by my side, their hand on my stomach under a blanket. Alex walked in with a bag, papi and Nicole walked in behind him. I was thankful my belly was hidden by the blanket, or I think he would have fainted.

Mom sat down in the chair next to the couch, reaching for my hand as Papi sat down next to me, Nicole sitting on the arm of the couch. Abuelita was sitting at the dining room table with Alex, papi had a confused look in his eyes. "What's going on, I can tell when something is up and I know this wasn't just for us to have dinner together." I looked at him, he looked into my eyes and he knew something was wrong. "I...I don't want you to yell, or be upset at me, I wish this didn't happen and now there is nothing, nothing I can do." I moved the blanket and Syd moved their hand, he saw my stomach, my growing baby bump. He rubbed his beard, his eyes threatening to spill tears. "I was raped by a guy I called a friend, I tried to get him to stop, but he was stronger. I kept it from everyone but mom is mom, she found out on Halloween. I didn't know how to tell you, I was scared." He slowly reached his hand out, gently setting his hand on my stomach.

"I always dreamt of the day I would become a grandad, that you would have kids of your own, but I never imagined it would be under these circumstances, or when you were 17. I am not upset, or mad, it is a shock, but it is nothing we can't handle. I will love you and your bundle of joy, no matter what." I felt tears running down my face, we were having a baby shower the next month, closer to the birth, where I would be telling everyone the gender, something Syd and I already knew. Papi and Nicole stayed for dinner, we didn't talk much about it, knowing it was sensitive still.

Baby shower

Today was the day, the day of our baby shower, everyone was here and there were so many gifts for the baby, something I asked not to happen. I didn't want so many things, I didn't want them to throw things at my face, saying we know and we're spoiling you so you don't have to buy these things yourself. Schneider and Avry bought clothes, Papi bought a custom crib that also is a bed when the baby is older, we were all eating and I was opening the gifts, everything was gender neutral which I loved, Syd told their parents what had happened and they weren't too upset. Just wanted to make sure they knew what they were getting themselves into.

I walked over to the cake, Syd following behind me. We decided to do a cake with the colors inside to tell the gender. Syd and I cut into the cake together, pulling the slice away and it showing it was a girl. Everyone cheered and we smiled, I gasped when Syd put the cake in my face, "Don't you normally do that during a wedding?" They shrugged and smiled, I kissed their cheek. It was at this moment, I finally realized that everything was going to be ok, that I wasn't going to be alone, and that I had my family.

2 Months Later, 5 Days After The Birth

Our daughter had become daughters, and we had gone for multiple check-ups but it seemed to be that one of them was just a little hide-and-seeker. Our doctor apologized well over a hundred times, my papi couldn't believe it. With covid I was only allowed to have Syd and one other person, I asked my mom to come in. Both of them were by my side the whole time, even when I said not-so-nice things. Papi got a matching crib and helped us move the bedroom around, luckily it was two girls so we wouldn't need to change much. We named them after my family, Syd was the one to suggest it, I had offered to have some part in it with their family but they said no.

Victoria Berto Alvarez-Pierce and Penny Alyx Lydia Alvarez-Pierce, it took a lot of convincing for Syd to put their name on the birth certificate, but I wanted them to be. I knew they would love the girls like their own, I think legally they should be, whether we stay together or not, I told them I would rather co-parent with them than make them feel like they weren't their parent too. Now I get to watch my kids grow with their Ma (Syd's preference).

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