Chp 2: The Terror of Tal'Dorei Part 2

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Scanlan: (Nervous.) Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. Fuck!

Never mind.

The dragon blasted lightning directly at them but they all got out of there and split up. Grog grab Pike before the lightning could get her, Vex, Trinket, and Keyleth ran until he his behind the tree, and Scanlan kept running until Vax pulled him to cover at the tree where the rest of them are. The dragon tries to bite but ends up ripping the upper trees off before blasting another lightning at the trees, leaving them burn.

Keyleth froze as she sees the trees are burning while everyone got out of the trees.

Percy: I suggest we run. Right now!

Grog: Fuck that. We fight! Raaaaaagh!!

Grog charges at the dragon.

Vax: Grog, you dumb, brave asshole!

YN: He's always an dumb!

They join and help Grog to fight but as Grog got closer to the dragon, he was thrown and crash close to Keyleth and Trinket.

Scanlan: Grog's down already? Come on!

Scanlan grab his lute to cast a giant fist while Vex shoots arrows at it. But it didn't even flinched as is blast another lightning at them. Thankfully they made it out on time.

Pike and Vax charge towards the dragon while Percy shoots. As those two charges at it, Vax threw some knives while Pike covers him. But still no avail, only made it angry as it blast another at them.

While it was distracted by the group, YN took the opportunity to go around and climb from its tail all the way to its head. Once he was close enough, he jump and went for its eyes but it notice YN and was about to bite him in half. YN saw this and uses his magic maneuver the fall and was a feet away from being bite in half. YN manage to cut and bleed its cheek before the tail hits him as he crashes next to the group.

YN: Fuck, I almost had that.

Vex was still down but notice Keyleth was still frozen while Trinket hides behind her.

Vex: Keyleth, a little magic might help!

Keyleth was still frozen as she sees everyone are struggling to fight but the dragon is overpowering them.

Vex: Keyleth, snap out of it. Keyleth! (Grabs her collar shirt.) Keyleth.

Keyleth: (Snap.) Sorry um... (Pick up her staff.) Okay. Okay.

She concentrate on her magic as the clouds covers the sky. The dragon watched the clouds getting dark as they all take the opportunity to regroup. Soon she unleashed a powerful storm spell that hits directly to the dragon.

YN: Keyleth, you did it!

Once the cloud of dust is gone, the dragon reveal itself unharm from the storm as it roars from getting stronger.

YN: .....Fuck.

Keyleth: (Shock.) Did I just make it worst!?

The dragon prepares to blast lightning but pike stand in front of the group and creates a bigger gold-glowing shield to protect them. It sees her shield but it blast lightning at the cliff, letting the falling rocks to kill them.

Vex: Look out!

YN was about to use his magic but then it was too late as the rocks burries them all. The dragon takes a closer look to see if their dead and sniffs to confirm. It grunts satisfied to see and smell blood before it flies away, leaving the forest to burn.

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