Part 7

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I had come back through the palace doors and was about to head to my room until I was all of the sudden stopped with my father yelling.

"VIOLA!! I knew it! I knew there was a reason why you were out all night!" 

"How do you know where I was?"

"One our guards saw you and that clown sleeping under a tree and he came and told me so!"

"How could you, daddy?"

"The Duke of Doubt has made a deal that if you cannot find a husband in 3 days straight, he will be the one to force you hand in marriage!"

Oh boy, that stupid duke! I've always hated the way he has treated my father over the years and always had doubts and disrespect for his magic. 

"But daddy, I couldn't possibly do that! I don't love him!"

"Neither was I! Unfortunately he used major force on why he should be the one for you to marry. Especially if you didn't like any of those others we've introduced you to."

"But, Ronald....."

"Ronald McDonald will never be an acceptation for this kingdom! He could only lead to a major disaster! And you haven't seen the last of Logorama!"

"Daddy, what are you talking about!"

"That Ronnie boy was considered a psychotic criminal at one point!"

"That could not have been real! He's not who you think, daddy or at least not from how I've met him lately. Whoever, told you all this were liars!"

"Oh I certainly doubt that!" The duke popped out from behind and started to flirt. I could not help but feel so annoyed. 

"I will never marry you, no matter what anyone says!"

"Oh too bad! I doubt there's no way to undo it all!" The duke replied still talking to me in an annoying tone. The wedding is on in only a couple of days and there's no time to change minds!"


I ran as fast as I could to my room wanting to shut out everything. All I could do was jump on my bed and sob! 

Then Maltie spoke up.

"Hey, what's with you?"

"It's not fair!! I'll never see Ronnie again! I think the guards have forbad us both to be with each other and now we'll be separated forever!"

"You think so?"

"There's more to that, Maltie! I'm being forced with engagement to the Duke of Doubt and I don't even love him!!"

I turned my head to notice a ring right on my dressing table. I knew it had to be the wedding ring.

I cried even more and mascara started running down my face

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I cried even more and mascara started running down my face. Then there was a knock at the door and I heard the voice of one of the servant ladies. 

"Tea time, Princess!"


Nobody said a word after that. I was too depressed to eat! And all this crying made knots form in my stomach. 

"I want Ronnie! He was perfect! And all I want is to move to McDonaldland! We promised to do so much and now it's never going to come true! For years I've taken books from the library and read all about the right to true love! Why not me?"

"Wow, Viola! What experience for you that was!"

That's when I felt my chest and noticed the locket I had been wearing yesterday was not there. The one with the memory of mom in it. 

I got up quickly with panic to see if it had been dropped somewhere. 


"What's wrong, now?" Maltie asked. 

"The locket! It's gone!"

"When did you last see it?"

"I had it on yesterday!"

I dug around some more but no sign of it.

"NO!!!" I gave up and sat on the bed more gloomy than ever.

"Now the memory of mom is lost forever!" 

Princess Viola (POV) X Ronald McDonaldWhere stories live. Discover now