Part 5

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The next day, I believe I knew the way to go! I immediately went to do all that I remembered. Maltie followed me behind and we both found the magic tree. 

Surprisingly when we got to McDonaldland, it was snowing! I immediately twisted my ring and changed into my winter garments. 

Maltie and I walked until we found everyone near a skating rink or something. 

"Viola!" Shouted Birdy.

Ronald noticed and ran up to greet me with a hug. It really warmed me up since I was feeling a little cold. 

"How did this happen? Where did all this snow come?" I asked.

"Well one of us wanted to go skating and so we made it snow!" He explained. 

"You mean the weather here in McDonaldland can be anything you wish?" 


This was unbelievable! Now I really wished I could move here! If only daddy would let me.

"It just so happens that I can skate!" I told everyone.

Ronald magically gave me ice skates before I hopped on and did my first figure 8. I could tell everyone was amazed at my moves. But it distracted me so much that I almost fell over. Luckily, Ronald quickly came up and caught me. It seems that now we've become skating partners. 

It all got out of hand that we all started throwing snowballs at each other. Birdy and I even made snow angels. Lots of fun was done in the snow. But then Grimace wished for it to be warm again and so the weather was changed back to sunny. 

I quickly twisted my ring and changed myself as the snow melted and disappeared. Ronald whistled for I don't know what. Then a big shoe shaped car appeared out of nowhere. "I thought I'd take you for more roundtrip tour Viola!" 

"Duh!" I replied. We all hoped in. Ronald slipped on some fine looking shades and pointed over to Grimaces cottage as we rode by. 

"Oh just like I know it is!" Grimace said in the back. 

"There's my treehouse!" Birdy pointed before I turned to notice. 

It seems Ronald could magically take us anywhere. After being hidden all these years, I was so excited I got to see more! 

But time had flown by once again! I knew it was time to head home and today, I think I'm brave enough to tell daddy. 

"Good luck Viola!" Ronald told me before he hugged me goodbye. 

Maltie and I quickly came home. And I had to look for my father!

"Daddy! Daddy?" I called.

I found him in the throne room!

"There you are, Viola!" I cannot believe you keep disappearing for the last few days! What's happened to you!

"Daddy, I've finally chosen a husband!"

"Why my dear, Viola! That's big news for the kingdom! And who might this lucky prince fellow be?" Daddy asked before sipping a soft drink. 

I chuckled nervously and took a breath. "Ronald McDonald!"

Daddy spit has drink all over the place and almost on me. 

"You can't be serious! That horrible creep??" He said angrily.

"Daddy, he's not what you think!"

"Oh you have no idea! Viola! That scary clown has been out to betray us for decades!"

"Whoever, told you that? I've been seeing him for the last few days and he's no monster!" 

"I knew it! I knew there was something going on with you on why you were disappearing! You being out with Pennywise!"

Princess Viola (POV) X Ronald McDonaldWhere stories live. Discover now