Part 9

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(Ronald's POV)

I had no idea what that whole attitude of Viola was. Although, if she really did mean it that someone was coming and it meant big trouble, then at least we're now safe again back in McDonaldland.

But it's been nearly a day in a half now since I gave her the locket back and I'm clearly missing Viola now. I really loved her especially that she sees the best in me.

Not many grown adults especially have felt that way although she's practically still young and only 20 years old.

So right around now, I'm currently with my friends at McDonalds but Hamburglar was late. Just then he came back with a book in his hands. He seemed to have his nose buried in it. However, it looked familiar over something we found earlier. 

"Hamburglar, what have you got there?"

"Rubble Rubble!"

I took a closer look and realized it was Viola's diary.

"Hamburglar! I told you! You shouldn't read other peoples private lives!"

"Duh, private stuff means discovery on getting to know and remember her." Grimace said.

"I suppose that's a good point, Grimace." I replied. 

But then, Hamburglar looked like he was being serious all of the sudden. 

"What's that?"

"Rubble Rubble! Marriage!"

"What does he mean?" Birdy asked. 

Everybody looked at a recent writing in there. 

"It says here," Grimace began. Birdy went on.

"Dear Diary, 

For the past few days I've been having the best of times with Ronald but now daddy has told me that I must marry the Duke of Doubt in which I do not love. He has been very disrespectful with my father over the years and has left so much doubt on all the magic he has to offer. As a matter of fact, I figure that being married to him would leave a major disaster in my life with the disrespect of my own magic. The wedding is not too long from now as far as......

"She's being forced to marry a horrible duke?" I said with shock.

 "Oh that's not fair! And there really should be no reason for our lands having to compete with one another. I want to see Viola happy and she always was with us."

"You betcha, Ronald!" Birdy replied.  "I could just see how happy she was!"

"Duh we've got to stop this wedding!" Grimace announced.

"You're right, Grimace. We cannot let Viola come across a miserable life! And according to what it says here, the wedding should very soon in nearly 30 minutes from now! Come on everyone! We've got to hurry!" I told everyone as we made a run for it to the white castle. 


There was no time to waste! I knew that when the preacher says, "Speak now or forever hold your peace" that's when our time comes. Birdy helped me look through the window.

Meanwhile, Grimace and Hamburglar seem to have found a chainsaw to break through the door. 

Princess Viola (POV) X Ronald McDonaldWhere stories live. Discover now