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*A/N* Hello, sorry for the late update, I had my pet put down a few days ago and I was having a hard time for a few days. I am back into it now so lets join back with Marcel, Rebekah, and Kol!


The world was a blur around me as I followed behind Rebekah, Marcel bringing up the back, as we sped through the dense forest. My sister was certainly not one to be trifled with at the moment, her face told the whole story. If anyone were to dare cross her right now, every second that they kept her from finding Elijah would be a year she would take off their life. She wasn't usually the one to go on vast and bloody killing sprees but you were a fool if you thought her to not be deadly all the same. She was the prettiest of poisons, a blooming, magnificent rose that lured you in with its intoxicating perfume before tossing you into its pit of thorns.

The three of us blazed through the woods, dodging and weaving between trees and undergrowth as we followed the still slight pull of the locator's spell. I kept my eyes and ears trained for any sign of an enemy but everything was eerily quiet. Like the eye of the storm, everything was perfectly still, not a hint of movement or rustle of the wind. It filled me with a terrible feeling of dread, like something was horribly wrong, like all the living things that had once been here had gone and fled for some unknown reason. A ghost town, that was the simplest way of describing it.

I tried to shake it off, focusing instead on the goal of this whole endeavour. Elijah. The word rang through my very soul, leaving a bitterly sweet taste in my mouth, and my blood began to roar in my veins. That word felt like home, felt like big, strong arms that warded off the monsters and thunderstorms. Like a safe energy, aura, and all-encompassing, endless wells of love and affection. Like something that I had refused and rejected and ridiculed for a thousand years but now I desperately needed more than anything else.

I had been avoiding him, all those days at the compound before he had been taken. All that time that I could have had with him, all those precious, mundane seconds. All those priceless words I could have said to him, and I was avoiding him. Why? Because of some petty, childish want to be put above Nik for once. Reasonably, I knew why I could never be given the same amount of my brother's time and attention as the hybrid was. There had been times in the past, when Elijah had tried to show me as much love as he showed Nik but it always ended up with both of us daggered and put in a box. Klaus was unable to tolerate anything but our older brother's undivided attention. In reality, it was Klaus who should have faced my blame but it had almost never been. More often than not, it was Elijah who took the brunt of it.

I almost outwardly cringed as I recalled my last conversation with him, almost three days before he had disappeared. Powerful witch activity had been occurring throughout the quarter and all the signs had pointed to Esther. Me and Elijah had been put on library duty, digging up old witch's grimoires and such. I had done nothing the whole time but be spiteful and harsh towards him.


"Honestly, brother, we don't have time for this petty grudge, whatever I have done to anger you, put it aside, there are more important matters at hand," Elijah stated, gracefully crouching to pick up the books I had just let clatter to the ground off the shelf.

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