Chapter Eight: If You Go, I'll stay. You Come Back, I'll be right here<3

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I could hear someone putting pants on, the sound of his belt getting buckled and the zipper getting zipped back into place, it must of been Billy. I kept my eyes closed though, I was just too tired to open them. I could hear Billy getting his stuff around, he walked over and bent over to my ear. "I love you y/n, goodbye darling." He kissed my head softly, he walked out of my room and I heard the front door open and than close.

"Get up you idiot! He's leaving you for good!"  I slowly fell back asleep.

*fifteen minutes later*
My eyes flew open and I hurried and got out of bed, I threw some pants on and a shirt and grabbed my car keys off my night stand. I can't let him leave me. I put my shoes on and ran out the door to my car and started the engine and pulled out of my driveway. I sped down the highway, the airport was 30 minutes away I hope I wasn't too late. I felt hot tears form in the corner of my eyes.

Once I arrived at the airport I got out and ran inside to front desk. "Um..." I was out of breath, "Billy Idol, has he already boarded the plane yet?" The lady looked at me in confusion, "ma'am that plane just took off five minutes ago." I felt my hands start to shake and my heart was pounding, "okay, t-thank y-you." I could barely keep it together, I walked out to my car and once I was inside the tears started up. I was upset and angry, upset because I wasn't going to see him anymore but I was more angry at myself for not trying to stop him sooner.

"FUCKKK WHY?!" I began to slam my fists into my steering wheel as the horn honked loudly. "WHY DIDN'T I TRY TO STOP HIM?!" I sobbed as I rested my head against the steering wheel. A few minutes later I wiped the tears away, I started my engine and drove back home. As I drove back home I turned the radio on, Eyes Without a Face began to play. That didn't make me feel better, it just made me miss him more.

When I got home I went inside and went back to sleep, I was exhausted all the sudden.

*Three hours later*

*Ring ring ring*

The phone on my nightstand began to ring, I lifted my head up from my pillow and answered it. "Mm hello?" "Hey y/n, it's Lexi how've you been?" I sighed, I wasn't in the mood to talk. "Hey Lexi I'm doing good!" I tried to sound cheerful, I just wanted to hang up and go back to sleep. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out and drink with me and Stacey?" I gritted my teeth in annoyance, "no sorry Lexi I'm not feeling well, rough night last night." "Oh okay, we could always try something next weekend?" I turned on my side, "um yeah I'll let you know when I'm free bye." I hung up on her, I felt bad but I just wasn't in the mood to do anything.

I just wanted to see Billy, I wanted to hug him. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted him so badly! I looked at the clock, it was 3:00pm, I groaned and got comfortable in my bed. I fell asleep.

*two hours later*

I opened my eyes and let out a loud yawn, than I stretched out my arms and legs. I was still tired but I was hungry. I slowly got out of bed and put on my house slippers. I went downstairs and made a sandwich grabbed a bag of chips and went to the living room. I turned on the tv, I wish I hadn't though. MTV was showing Billy's live concert right now.

He looked so good, he was wearing black ripped jeans, leather boots, no shirt and he was wearing a long cross necklace. I wish I could experience him in concert again it was so cool but also scary because of that one guy. That's were me and Billy met, he saved me at his concert. In only a week we were both head over heels for each other, but he was gone now.

I started to feel my eyes tear up so I turned the tv off. I got up and decided to go start a load of laundry, as I started putting clothes in the washer I stopped. Billy's shirt was in the pile, I picked it up and looked at it. It was a long sleeve black and red striped sweater that was tattered a bit. It must of been the one that he said had beer all over it, I held it close and inhaled his scent. It smelled strongly of alcohol and his cologne that I had grown familiar to the odor, and stale cigarettes. I threw it in the washer with the rest of the clothes and started it.

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