Chapter Nine: A Love Sick Fool

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Billy's pov:

January 1, 1985. 7:30pm
I walked off the stage as the curtain closed, I was sweating and breathing heavily. The concert went well but I couldn't keep y/n off my mind. Last night with her was great! Oh how I wanted to feel her and kiss her. It was driving me crazy.

Steve came behind me and elbowed me in the ribs, "hey man we rocked out there, they loved us!" I forced a smile, "ha, we sure did!" Steve gave me a concerned look, "everything alright bro?" He could probably tell how sad I looked even if I was trying to be happy, he could see it in my eyes. "Yeah, I'm just tired." "Come on let's go get some drinks," I nodded.

When we arrived at the bar Steve ordered us two beers, "so you gonna tell me what's going on man?" I sighed and decided I should tell him, "I miss her, I can't stop thinking about her Steve." The bartender returned with our drinks and we started to drink them. "Are you talking about that one girl you helped at the concert, the one you told me about?" I nodded as I took a sip, "the moment I met her I knew I was in big trouble because I was already in love with her."

Steve smiled and shook his head, "bro she's just some girl that you barely know, you'll get over her just like all the other girls you've been with." I shook my head in disagreement, "no... it's different. Whenever I was around her she made me feel so good, all them other girls were just for my pleasure... I didn't even pressure her into sex because I didn't want lose her, she makes me so nervous but happy too." Steve bit his lip as he thought of what to say, "if you really care about her that much than maybe you should catch a flight back after our lasts few concerts." I looked at him, "Maybe I don't know man, I wish I could call her but I don't have her number. I'll just have to go back to her."

When we finished drinking we got a cab and went to our hotel. I went to my room and passed out on my bed, I didn't even bother taking my shoes or shirt off. I was exhausted.

*A few days later*

January 7th, 1985 9:00pm

Over the past few days I had gone to a few concerts, tonight was my last one and then tomorrow night I could see y/n when I get back. I was nervous and excited, I hope she was doing okay while I was gone. What if she doesn't want me anymore because I just left her? What if she hurts herself? Or what if she gets back with her ex? My palms began to sweat.

Steve came up and shook my shoulder, that didn't help at all. "Hey bro you good we're bout to start?" He got a better look at me and looked at me with a concerning look, "dude you look sick." I started to breathe heavy, "no I'm okay I just need a cigarette." "Billy you're pale, are you sure you aren't running a fever?" I looked at my watch, we still had ten minutes before we performed. I walked away from Steve and went into my dressing room, I pulled a cigarette out and lit it. I began pacing around the room, "come on Billy it's okay." I tried to calm myself.

Why was I all the sudden having an anxiety attack, maybe it's because I'm just nervous to see her but it'll be okay I'm worrying about nothing. I finished my cigarette and put it in the ashtray, I looked at myself in the mirror. My color was back to it's normal color...kind of. I got some makeup out and tried to cover up the paleness. I was still nervous but I finished up and walked out of my dressing room.

I walked over to Steve, "okay let's get this shit over with." Steve still had that concerned look but nodded and got his guitar in position. "Please welcome Billy Idol and GenerationX!"

I took a deep breath as the curtains slowly opened, the crowd screamed loudly. I didn't like it, it was too loud. The first song was Flesh for Fantasy, I began singing the lyrics. The bright lights beamed down right on us it was blinding, I couldn't even see the crowd. My ears were ringing and I was sweating, I tried to focus on singing the song.

"FLESH! Flesh for fantasy!" My head felt heavy, "Fle-... flesh for fan- fantasy..." I stopped singing, my head was spinning I was so dizzy. "BILLY ARE YOU ALR-" my body gave out and I fell to the stage floor, my vision was blurry and my hearing was muffled as I heard Steve calling my name and asking if I was okay, he was hovering over me. Everything went black.

I woke up in my hotel room, I groaned as I sat up. I looked at the clock, it was noon. "Hey bro," it was Steve. He was sitting in a chair across from the bed, "what happened Steve?" "You had a panic attack and passed out during the show." I rubbed my head as it throbbed in pain, "I need some water." Steve got up and got me some from the bathroom sink.

When he came back I took a few sips and sat it down on the table, "I need to go back tonight." Steve looked at me in disbelief, "Billy you can't!" I sat up in the bed but my head began to start pounding, "ah fuck!" I laid my head back in the soft pillow. Steve sat down on the edge of my bed, "look man if you feel better tomorrow you can catch a flight back but you still look pretty pale and on edge, you should get some rest."

I was about to argue but held my tongue, maybe he was right, maybe I should just stay and get some rest. I just missed her terribly though. I rolled on my side and grabbed out a cigarette. "Do you want me to cancel your flight?" I sighed and dug my teeth into the end of the cigarette as I began to light it, "nah man I'll do it, thanks for helping me out."

He finally left.

I sprawled my body across the bed, I was still tired. I took a few puffs of my cig and put it out in the ashtray. I took a sip of my water and laid my head back as I slowly fell asleep.

A few hours later

I got up and started to get dressed and pack the rest of my shit up so I could make it to my flight, I know I told Steve I'd cancel the flight but I obviously lied. I grabbed my bag and guitar and got a cab to drive me to the airport. Once I arrived at the airport I got out and went into the airport, I'm coming home to you y/n, be patient.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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