Going Pro

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There may be some stuff wrong in this story...ion really be thinking when i'm writing 👀

LeAria, 16

LeAria, 16{LEE-AIR-RUH}

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My eyes flutter open, just to be blinded by the bright light shining in from my blinds.

I groan, turning around in my bed as the sunshine warms my honey brown skin.

I begin to fall into a deep sleep once again until...

*buzz buzz*

I groan again, rolling around in my bed manically and wrap a pillow around my ears to block the sound until it ended.

Finally being able to sleep again, I lay back down on my side allowing sleep to ta-

*buzz buzz buzz*

"Bro.." I huff out. Grabbing my phone I see an incoming FaceTime
call from Dip❤️👀.

I answer it.

"What the fuck do you want."

"Aye, who you think you talkin to lil' girl?"

I kiss my teeth, bringing my phone closer to hang up.

"Aye Aye! Wait don't hang up! I'm sorry!"

"Whatever Melo, really, what do you want?" I sigh.

"I just wanted to say good morningggg. Wanted to see how my girl was doing."

Nigga..you wake me up at 7:00 am just to say good morning? You can't text?

"Good morning bae. Is that it? I'm goin' back to bed." I answer tiredly, moving my face away from the camera.

"Nuh uh, get up girl! We going
pro today!" Melo screamed into the phone making my face light up.

Today was the day that Gelo, Melo, and I were going to get ready to play overseas for Lithuania.

Lonzo was already in the NBA. As a back up plan to get all of his sons on the Lakers and me in the WNBA, Lavar pulled Gelo from UCLA and Melo from Chino Hills High. He soon pulled me (with the permission of my parents of course) without hesitation once he realized they had a girls team.

Of course Melo and Gelo weren't very excited but I see this as an opportunity to grow as a player. I'm already ranked in the top 3 female point guards in the country, but a little practice can't hurt, right?

"Hellooo? Did yo ass go back to sleep?"


"Well then get up, my dad said he needs you over by nine so we can sign our contracts and shit and get ready to fly down there." He says before abruptly hanging up.

I mug my phone before finally getting up.

I quickly take a shower, do my morning skincare, and brush my teeth. Then I begin to pick my outfit.

𝐋𝐚𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ♡︎🛸Where stories live. Discover now