Going Pro pt.2

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LeAria, 16

LeAria, 16{LEE-AIR-RUH}

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I woke up the next morning feeling someone on me. When I tried to turn around, they held me tighter, so that I couldn't move.

But looking down, I instantly recognized the skinny ass white arms around me.

(Ntm on him tho😭)

"Melo get up." I groaned, releasing my arms so I could rub my eyes. I tried shaking him awake but he wouldn't budge.

"LaMelo get u-"


LaMelo and I jumped at the loud boom of Lavar's voice.

"TIME TO GET UP, LITHUANIA IS WAITING FOR THE BIG BALLERS!" He yelled from upstairs, throwing suitcases down to the first floor.

"Oh my godddd..." Melo mumbled, getting off of me and sitting up on the coach.

"Wait when did you get down here?" I asked

"Ion know, you just seemed lonely." He shrugged, getting up and walking over to give me a hug.

"Good morning." He puckered out his lips, asking for a kiss.

"Nuh uh lemme brush my teeth first."I laughed, pushing him off and getting up to use his bathroom.

-On the way to the airport-

After we all got ready everyone arrived outside the estate with their things.

We were just going to the airport so I didn't dress up too much, but I thought it would be cute for Melo and I to match so we did just that.

We were just going to the airport so I didn't dress up too much, but I thought it would be cute for Melo and I to match so we did just that

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-The fit-

"Awe look at y'all matching n' shittt." Gelo laughed, walking out to the van holding three suitcases. (Damn big body built ass)

"Mann hush." Melo smiled, pushing his head.

Once all the bags were put away we split into two vans. Melo, Gelo, Lavar, Tina and I stayed together as Dmo and the others went their separate way.

𝐋𝐚𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ♡︎🛸Where stories live. Discover now