Big Baller Birthday| Pt2

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Mariah Poole, 18{MA-RI-YAH}Birthday: August 22

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Mariah Poole, 18
Birthday: August 22

"Aight this is a gift for Dip but I know both of y'all gonna like it."

They led us to the driveway, and took off our blindfolds once again to reveal a red and black electric golf cart.

They led us to the driveway, and took off our blindfolds once again to reveal a red and black electric golf cart

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"Why did y'all give him this? He gone jump out of it." I scoffed, picking up Angel and taking a seat inside of it.

"Oh shit! Hell yeah, Ima crash this bitch!"

Zo and Gelo looked at him.

"I'm just playing yawl." He said in a dumb country accent.

Zo handed him the keys and watched as he zipped out of the driveway, almost crashing into the gate.

"Melo! Slow down! We didn't even put our seatbelts on."

"My bad ma, you right." He said, slamming down on the break making me jolt forward and him fall out the cart.

"That's what yo ass get. Driving crazy with our baby in the car. Shoot, got me fucked up." I huffed, cradling my dog.

"Nah she not my baby, that's your daughter."

I just rolled my eyes, getting out the cart. "That's why yo ass fell out a golf cart twice in the same month."


It was now 5:30 pm and we were waiting for Denise and Jaden to call the boys.

Melo and I were on the couch doing confessionals so the camera crew would leave early and we could set up.

"So why did Zo take away Melo's golf cart?"

"I don't know. Why don't you tell us Courtney.." Melo mumbled making me elbow him in the side.

"He took it away because Melo drives like a maniac."

"I'm getting it back at the end of the month." He shrugged.

𝐋𝐚𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ♡︎🛸Where stories live. Discover now