GQ Couples Quiz

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Aliyah Palmer, 21📍GQ HEADQUARTERS

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Aliyah Palmer, 21

"What up, its Aliyah Palmer."

"And LaMelo Ball."

"And this is GQ couples quiz." We said together.

"Disney channel ass intro."Melo remarked, laughing.

"Aighht, today Ima be askin LaMelo questions just to see if he really know me." I smirked, side eyeing the camera.

"Girl stop playing, I know you better than anyone else."

"We'll see." I shrugged

I looked down at the cards in my hand, reading the first question and smiling. "Alright first question, something easy. When's my birthday?"

Melo kissed his teeth. "January 26, 2001."

"Correct, next question. How many high school championships have I won?"

"Oh shoot...we had like one more than y'all right?"

I shrugged, wanting him to struggle on this one a bit.

"Like three?"


"Wait for real?"

"Yeah!" I laughed. "You're doing pretty good. Alright this one's gonna be hard." He just shrugged, listening for the next question.

"How many bones have I broken?"

His eyes widened.

"Shiiiit, you was gettin hurt a lot when we was playing overseas. And you fractured a toe last week.."

"No not fractured, broke baby."


I rolled my eyes.

"I got it right!?" He smiled, sitting up a bit more, making his curls bounce.

"Ugh yeah. I broke my arm in Lithuania, my leg playing in high school, my ankle way back in AAU, and Melo and I were actually going one on one in our back yard, I was winning so Melo thought it would be funny to throw the ball full force at me. When I caught it my wrist snapped back and broke."

The camera crew's eyes widened at my explanation making me laugh while Melo avoided eye contact with everyone.

"I guess i've had my fair share of injuries. Anyways on to the better get this wrong."

"Can't make no promises." He shrugged smiling.

"Alright so we've been dating for what? Four years now?"

Melo nodded.

"How and when did we first meet?" I chuckled.

He answered without hesitation.

"Back in our freshman year of high school. This gone sound cliche as hell but she was sent to tutor me in math. When I first seen you I thought you was hella cute. We studied at my house that night and exchanged numbers. After that we became friends, later on our senior year we started dating." He was cheesing hard as hell, making me blush.

"WRONG! Here's the real story friend Kayla called me up over the summer and was like 'you wanna go somewhere?' I was like sure and she let me know the circus was in town and that we should go. So we went and when we got there I seen these ugly ass monkeys in a cage screaming at me. And what do ya of them was Melo. Our relationship really blossomed from ther-"

"Liyah, quick fuckin playing with me." He mugged me.

"Alright Alright I'm just playing, Dip that's correct." I leaned forward puckering my lips, receiving a peck from him.

"Last question, you're 3/3."

He nodded and smiled, rubbing his hands together.

"How many tattoos do I have?"

"Uhhh...Oh that's easy. Five, a cross on your wrist, a flower on both of your ankles, a butterfly on your neck, and your mom's initials on your finger." He answered confidently.

"That's your final answer?"

"Y-yeah...wait no! Four? Do you got one on your finger?"

"I don't know. Do I?" I teased, covering my hands with the cards.

"Wait yeah five, you have five. That's my final answer."

"Five? Wrong!"

His eyebrows furrowed as he grabbed my hand, seeing the initials L.P for Laura Palmer.

"I've got six."

"Six?! You got a new one?"

I shook my head.

"Remember, I got your name on my rib cage." His eyes widened in realization.

"Oh yeahh, I told you not to get that."

"Why not? You got my name tatted on you."

"I told you, you don't need no more ink. Anyways I want a bonus question cause I woulda got that right."

I rolled my eyes before thinking.

"What was the first gift you ever got me?"

"Like ever?"


He kissed his teeth, throwing his head back in frustration.

"OH! I got you that pair of red bottoms for prom."

"Correct! So with the bonus question you got 4/4."

He grinned, brushing off his shoulder.

"I told you I knew you. I'm really like that." He shrugged confidently.

"Yeah sure...well that was it for the couples quiz"

"Aye, make sure y'all stay tuned for part two of the interview. Ima be asking Aliyah questions about myself."

𝐋𝐚𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ♡︎🛸Where stories live. Discover now