Big Baller Birthday| Pt3

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Mariah Poole, 18{MA-RI-YAH}Birthday: August 22

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Mariah Poole, 18
Birthday: August 22

*LaMelo's pov*
We took her around the house, I became more and more nervous after each door opened. Although Riah seemed unfazed.

We finally made it to my room and it was empty.


"Told you Mrs Jackson." She sighed, closing the door.

"You're right baby I'm sorry. But let me know if y'all see them."

"Will do, Bye!"


*Mariah's pov*

As soon as Melo shut the front door I ran to the back yard, entering the guest house and finding the pair hiding behind a couch.

"Y'all safe, it's just me."

They let out a relieved sigh and emerged from behind the couch before letting me guide them back. onto the estate.

"So that's where y'all was? You had me stressing Riah." Melo laughed.



About an hour later we were all on the couch watching tv.

Gelo came downstairs with Jaden on FaceTime.

"So, I was thinking."

"Uh oh.."

"What? I didn't even say anything yet!" She laughed.

"It's never good when you be thinking."

"Anyways! How about you, Zo, and D-money come over so we can go out and have a little double date?"

"Not today, I gotta watch M&M." He said, glaring over at us.

"Cmon babe they're not gonna do anything, Mariah's responsible. She'll keep Dip in line."

"Yeah but Kiara and Shavon are here. You know how they be when they're together." He reasoned, taking a bite out of the sandwich he made.

"Y'know.." Melo started, making Gelo's stare narrow.

"You should listen to Jaden, it's bout time y'all hung out. You been around the house this whole week. Do you know how hard it is having wake up and see your ugly ass face for that long?"

𝐋𝐚𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ♡︎🛸Where stories live. Discover now