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Destiny, 17

Destiny, 17{DES-TIN-EE}

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"WATCH OUT BAHAMAS! HERE COME THE BIG BALLERS." Lavar shouted from the drivers seat,
waking me up from my nap.

I lifted my head up from Melo's lap, looking around confused.

"I thought we was going to Hawaii?" I asked.

"We know my dad's gettin old baby." Melo sighed, running a hand down his face earning a chuckle from Gelo.

I sighed tiredly, resting my head back down on his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist .

"Eww y'all nasty."

"Oh hush, you're just mad Izzy ain't here with you." I said, reaching and smacking his neck.


About half an hour later we made it to the rented two story beach house.

"About damn time." Tina said, making everyone laugh.

"You tired Mama T?" I asked.

"Yes!" She sighed.

Lavar helped her up the stairs while he sent Gelo, Melo and I to bring in the stuff.

"Why he send yo lil ass out here?" Gelo joked, pushing my shoulder playfully.

"Man shut the fuck up."

I opened the trunk and watched as Melo and Gelo carried most of the stuff in. We made it halfway up the stairs until Melo dropped two suitcases, letting them fall on my foot.

"OW DAMN! What the hell do y'all have in here? Bricks?"

"Nah that's our weights." Gelo replied.

I just shrugged and picked them up, carrying them up the stairs and down the hall leaving the two boys in shock.

"Quit staring and hurry up so we can get ready to go out." I scoffed, turning back around and looking in the different rooms.

Finding the biggest one, I set my stuff down and look around.

Finding the biggest one, I set my stuff down and look around

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𝐋𝐚𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ♡︎🛸Where stories live. Discover now