#1 Mine

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First chapter! Hope you like it guys!

• Stiles pov •
"Scott hurry up! How long does it take a supernatural being to put on a top?!" "Don't forget shoes!" He yells back, I can hear his smug grin, smart ass. "Ugh doesn't matter okay! Just hurry up I'll see you in the jeep" I say as I hop down the stairs, almost face planting at the bottom.
As I open the front door I realise I forgot my keys on Scott's desk after he rudely ushered me out. Heading back up I hear a noise? A.. A giggle? Oh my god please don't say every full moon he will turn into a little girl. Being new to the whole wolf thing after Scott got bit 2 weeks ago. Once standing outside his door I hear hush whispers and then a "come in"
I open the door too see Scott sitting on his bed tying his shoe lace..
"Huh.. That's strange don't mind if I check!-" "huh empty" I state as I close his closet door.. "Well then how about-" .. "Empty too.. Weird, because I swore I heard someone else in hear Scotty boy" I chuckle as he gets up and hands me my keys. "Nothing strange in here except for you" he says smugly "psh! Just come on jackass"..

The drive to Derek's was nice, just in our thoughts watching the scenery fly past as we reach the loft, this is my third pack meeting already, due to some crazy bastard trying to take down Beacon Hills.. I love feeling apart of something for once in my life, I'm kinda like pack mom! Everyone in the pack looks up to me to come up with the plans and tell me their problems, I finally have a full family.
The big scary alpha AKA Derek Hale always has a weird look towards me, sometimes I catch him sneaking glances at me.. Me! The annoying ADHD hormonal teen who sometimes fantasises about him! He probably just looks at me in disgust.

As I pull up to his loft I notice we are a tad late, by who? Oh that's right Scott the mystery man.

As we open the door all eyes are on us as if we murdered someone!
as we head over the pack looking at maps and files, I notice everyone looking back and forth from Scott and Isaac.. NO! It couldn't be!
I burst out laughing knowing the pack probably smell them on each other and soon enough after I start choking Erica asks "what was that for?" she chuckles, with a sly smile I look over to Scott who's blushing like a mad man and Isaac with wide eyes. "Mystery solved" I state as Scott rolls his eyes.

As the meeting goes on, I notice Derek looking at me with his eyes furrowed.. What's that for?

As the meeting ends, Derek asks for me to stay behind to help sort the files into the right dates.

Once everyone's gone, Scott with Isaac (of course) I start sorting the pictures into piles, "Stiles what are you doing to me?" "Is it the new top, I've noticed people drooling" i chuckle. With in seconds I'm against the wall, with Derek looking into my eyes with lust. "This is even better in real life" I state as he inches closer to my face, I feel soft warm lips attacking mine.
In the warm frenzy of me and Derek practically grinding on eachother against the wall I hear a click..
I open my eyes and slowly pull back, Derek looks at me in concern until he turns his head to see the one and only Scott and Isaac with their phones out.. "Is this why you never told me who you liked?" He says with the biggest grin I've ever seen.. "You can't say much, mr I'm gonna make out with Bambi behind my best friends back" I point out. " oh and this isn't the same?"
Derek looks confused as hell, "God Scott I'll see you tomorrow! Stop interrupting us" I say as I wave him off towards the door.
Isaac and Scott shut the door leaving me and Derek to finish off what we were doing, "now then, what were we doing Sourwolf?"
"This" he says as he dives onto my lips, kissing me passionately. As we break the kiss to breath, he trails kisses down my neck whispering loving words into my skin, "ouh- what does this make us?" I ask as he pulls back and smiles, "mate" he states without hesitation as if this is normal. "Woah really? Am I your 'bitch' then" I say wiggling my eyebrows. He chuckles "you and your dirty mind. Your only seventeen, so. Your my un mated mate" he says leaning closer. "But but its only like 3 weeks away!" I protest wanting him now! Being the horny teenager I am. "Well..." He trails off, slowly unbuckling my pants, "that doesn't mean we can't still have some fun.." He says as his alpha red eyes flash in lust. Hot damn.

• Derek's Pov •

How did this situation even start? Well apart from a few months ago when I first noticed a strange boy that would make my Wolf claw and whine for his touch, you could say this isn't my first time, in wanting The boy I became to know after Scott joined my pack.

You only get one mate, and you don't know who it is until your wolf claws its way into your mind. Your Mate is your life, what they feel you feel.. But if they die, you don't ever get a new mate, you are supposed to protect them with your life and do what pleases them. I thought I lost my mate, I thought I would never be happy again, but strangely enough here I am. With this strange boy that now controls my life, my thoughts, even my actions.

Stiles and his cute moles, his goofy smile even the sarcasm makes me love him even more.. Wait love? Well of course I would because he's my mate! But does he pull the mate bond tugging him and wanting to want me.. He's human but his heart holds enough room but every new face. That's why he's my Mate.

MY Mate.
MY Stiles.

I like the sound of that. Mine.


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