#3 Black Wolf

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• stiles pov •

"Scott where are you!?" I yell into the warm breeze, expecting some sort of reply from my awkward friend, but that's why we are friends. Both awkward, both unnoticed and both share the same love for solving strange cases such as murders, homicides, and of course the most recent animal attacks.
Well that's why we are out here in the first place, hunting or rather searching for a dead body that surfaces this dreary old forest. We would of gone during nighttime but we aren't taking any chances. About ten minutes ago, we were just jogging through some old leaves and weaving through trees, when I turn around to see nothing. Literally nothing. No weird teenage boy, not a soul from what I can see through out my surroundings.
"SCOTT!".. No reply except for my deep breathing and my pounding heart; it's been more then ten minutes now, I'm wondering through this dead forest, not a clue where I am and not a clue where my childhood friend is, what if he's been eaten! Or worse what if hes being dragged away by some sort of a bird creature or maybe a lizard thing! Oh god Scott! I feel hot liquid corner my eyes, I'm desperately hoping this panic attack doesn't get through to me.. I just have to breath. In. Out. In. And out. "Phew" I pant catching my breath leaning against a tall skinny tree. I calm myself down and focus. Focus on my surroundings and focus on my heart, I breath slowly and start my wander through the crunchy leaves, I head forward in hopes of reaching the edge of the forest or at least a familiar tree or bush.
I abruptly stop, up ahead I see a figure weaving through trees, or well an animal. But this figure soon leaves my sight as It jumps past a fallen tree and then no where. I jog towards the fallen log, not thinking about the danger I might be putting myself in, but in pure curiosity. What was this animal? What is it doing around Beacon Hills? Why hasn't it sprinted towards me ready to rip my throat out with its teeth?
Unsolved questions riddle my mind as I hover above the tree and search for some sort of life. If Scott was here it would be like usual, Batman and Robin style. Well as he says, but I'm more of a "Shaggy and Scooby" sorta guy.
"Hello..?" I ask breaking the dead silence that intoxicates me. It's weird, I'm always rambling away to Scott or my dad.. Scott, I hope he's atleast out of the forest by now or trying to find me with Parrish or Dad.
I hop over the log, expecting to land softly. Expected.
I land quite hardly, my right foot landing in what looks like a rabbit hole. Twisting my ankle in the process and landing on my ass. "Gugh!" I pant through gritted teeth as my lift my ankle out of the hole, I settle down and breath. Rubbing of the dirt that stains my red converse, I examine my state. Not broken but probably sprained.
I try to get up but failing miserably falling right back on my arse, I wince in pain.
My ankle throbs, I soon notice all the scratches I have from all the trees and prickle bushes.
I wip my head around to a twig snapping in front of me atleast ten feet away. Anxiety running my mind, what if this is it!?
"Oh cruel world, I'm too young to die!" I plead to no one in particular. I look a forward seeing no one there, no lizard or bird, I laugh at how ridiculous I must look. Chuckling turns into full blown snorting, I quieten down and wipe the tear that threatens to fall.
"Wha-!" A wet snout licks my neck, I cautiously turn around biting my lower lip in fear.
My eyes widen in shock at what stands, or rather sits infront of me. A beautiful Black as coal wolf sits infront of me, wagging it's fluffy tail, expecting something almost. I extend my hand slowly towards this amazing animal, it's electric blue eyes stare in wonder in my brown chocolate eyes. I gawk in awe as the wolf nudges my hand sniffing me. I smile at this particular Animal, what is a wolf doing in cali?!
The wolf than stands up on fours, towering over me, and grabs my collar in its teeth and tugs me up, like trying to take me somewhere. I slowly stand leaning on the log for support as I limp towards the wolf nudging my legs as if in a hurry.
I limp for a solid 5 minutes until it stoops forward through some bushes and out of sight. "Uhm.. Wolf! Where did yah go?" Not excepting a reply I limp forward and push the bushes a side to see what looks like a cabin.
I head over to the porch and examine the door. Everything's wooden and looks well cared for, I knock on the door a few times getting nothing but silence in return.
I slowly push the door open, creaking all the way until into wide open. I limp through and look around, the first thing I spot is a black leather couch and a big 52 inch flatscreen on the wooden wall and a round wooden coffee table, for a random cabin in the woods this is reeeally fancy!
To the left is the kitchen with island bench and stools.. Not too much colour, just kinda a black.
I wander around the couch and down a dark hallway, passing a couple doors, peeking into the room. The first room is a luxurious bathroom, the next is a simple room with a single bed and dresser, the last door on the end is closed, I push it open and peer inside to find a large bed in the centre against the back wall, a walk in wardrobe to the left closed off with mirror doors, a small lounging chair and glass bookshelf, and a lastly a dark wooden desk and a macbookpro laptop resting on top and a swivel chair.
Honestly wow.. Jackson would he jealous of this luxurious cabin. I can't believe the owner just left the door open for anybody! Well people like me anyway.. Maybe the owner abandoned it, I mean I don't think they would mind helping out a lost hurt boy who needs shelter, and food.
I slide into the bed deciding to rest my eyes, as I drift off I swear I hear a creak of a door..
I wake up to darkness, and warmth radiating from beside me. I turn over and snuggle closer to the heat source, as I squirm over it starts moving and I feel something grab my waist, I instantly stop as the person pulls me closer and snuggles against my chest, somehow I should be freaking out but honestly all I can think about is how someone is holding me keeping me warm..
I wake up in the morning to feel the covers of the bed starting to fall off my legs, I sit up and rub my eyes, feeling a slight chill against my chest, I'm not wearing anything but my batman boxers!
I stand up and stretch and slowly drag myself out of the room and into down the hall, the washing machine is on, so I wander into the bathroom and See it was put on only 15 minutes ago.
I enter the lounge and walk cautiously into the kitchen to see a very muscular back, and black messy morning hair. My god, I'm in the presence of a god.
"U-um hi?" I blurt out scratching the back of my neck. "Mornin, Eggs and bacon sound good?" His gruff voice makes me blush. "O oh yeah sure" I whisper as I sit down on one of the stools, he turns around and slides a plate infront of me, and I thought food was the most glorious thing on earth, but this man is seriously gods gift from above. Why am I thinking this! He's probably gonna murder me and bury my body in the woods!
"Yah know Stockholm syndrome is really in this winter I comment glaring at this beautiful man infront of me. He chuckles, "so your saying I'm your captive.. And you already like me?" He says raising his holy eyebrows. "Touché is this your house?" I question. "Yeah built it myself a few years ago. "Hope it feels homely" I gape at him "why homely? This is supposed to be a scary experience and shouldn't you be like chaining me up already?" I ask
He sighs "Stiles this is gonna sound weird and this whole thing is weird but trust me okay. You can't go home yet. Your father and friend know your safe but not today so get used to being stuck in here for while"
I stare at him wide eyed, how does he know my name why am I staying here and am I gonna die?
He laughs, "this room smells like confusion, just trust me okay. Your gonna be fine.. Oh and I'm Derek" he says calmly.
I'm honestly speechless.
Later on the day, after watching TV and snacking while Derek's gone to do what ever this dude does, I wander around abit. Nothing strange on here and nothing that could kill me. Except.. The only thing that doesn't fit, is the muddy paw prints that lead into cabin and disappear down the hall, faintly still there but what if the wolf is in here right now.. No I would of heard it but it obviously was here..
I wake up to the door shutting, I sit up and yawn as I see Derek put his jacket on the bench. I suddenly feel self conscious remembering I'm still only in my batman boxers.
He notices and smiles a genuine smile, as he walks over and sits next to me, he scoots next to me and soon I'm being lifted onto his chest as he lays down with me on top, not sure what to do I lay my head down and listen to his heart beat. "Are you the snugly type" I chuckle. "I've liked you ever since I saw you in the woods yesterday. You looked cute" he states with his eyes closed as he holds me firmly against his defined chest. "When did you see me? And did you see that radical wolf.. My god it was the most beautiful site in the world" I say in awe remember how amazing that encounter was. "He opens his eyes and picks my head up holding my chin. "Thank you Stiles" he says before lightly kissing me, full of passion and beauty. I pull away a moment later "wait what?" I ask dumbstruck.
"I'm a werewolf" he says holding my chin. "A what! That is so cool! No way.. That can't be true.. Your delusional but that's why i already like you" he say softly. He chuckles "sorry to disappoint you, but when I sniffed you yesterday I knew I had to have you.. I smelt, I smelt.. Mate" he says as if he's admitting a tense secret. "Wow my god, Scott's never gonna believe this" "oh Scott's my uncles beta" he states as if everyone knew. Oh wait except me. "What!!" I yell kneeling my elbows on his chest, he chuckles "it's for your safety" he says wiping my hair out of my eyes. He pulls me forward and kisses my neck, I huff and pout I can't believe he kept something so cool from me. He blows a raspberry on my neck and I burst out laughing like a little girl. "Okay! Okay! Stop!" I yell out of breath. "I don't even know you yet I'm pretty sure this just made my life 100 % better" I laugh. He smiles and attacks my lips rubbing my back in circles as we have a steamy make out session. I pull away for air, as we rest our foreheads against a each other's.
"What are we? Mutual lovers" I chuckle. "I know this isn't the right time, but I really like you. Like really like you. Your goofy smile and cute moles just make it easier to like you" he whispers. "Is it weird that I don't want you to leave me" I ask staring into his eyes. He kisses me softly but passionately in response. Thankyou Scott for ditching me in the forest and letting me find this sexy ware wolf.. I can't wait till I can see the rest of him.

Wow 2135 words! This was so long but worth it! Love you all xo

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