#5 Scars

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Requested! This may be triggering and does include self harm so please read at your own risk and enjoy! It will have a happy ending trust me!

Stiles Pov
I slam my jeep door shut and start walking towards Derek's loft, I was late.. Again.
I open the loft door to see everyone around the main table, I walk towards them apologising for being late.
"We need a backround on Donovan, can you do that for us?" Derek glares. "Uh yeah sure" I say feeling the pressure.

Isaacs Pov
Stiles comes in late-as usual, but this time somethings off.. He smells kinda metallic, and his emotions are wild, I try to un focus my abilities from him but he's making the whole room tense everyone can feel it too..
Stiles seems fine but everyone knows something is up..
Stiles leans against the table and slowly looks at our map, as he leans forward his sleeve lifts up alittle.. Are those cuts? No stiles would never.. Would he? I have to say something or atleast get the pack to notice.. Incase.
I nudge Scott, and nod towards stiles arm. After a few seconds he noticed, Scott goes abit White and I can tell he's concerned. "Stiles what the hell?.." Scott whisperes breaking the chatter and everyone is turned towards him, "w-what? Scott what's up??" He says, "show me your arm" Scott nods towards him, "um no why?" Stiles says wrapping his arms against his waist. "Stiles do it" Derek growls, "No what the fuck guys why would I? I have nothing to hide anyway just leave it" Stiles says sternly, "if you have nothing to hide then you'll tell me, are those fresh" Scott whispers.. "Yes" Stiles says looking down almost sobbing, "why?" I whisper, "oh stop acting as if you all care!? None if you do! I'm just pathetic Stiles the human, I've heard you guys talk about me and I know none of you want me in the pack" Stiles shouts, and by now he's full out crying. "Stiles shut up and listen. You're our main member we need you, I need you. Dont ever say anything like that again because none of that is true, you're everything to us!" Derek shouts grabbing his hands. He slowly rolls up his sleeves, he gasped in shock at what he saw, as Stiles cries silently and looks away, I lean forward to see his arms full of scars with words etched into his skin and lines that will never fade.. "Why.." Derek says silently, "because I don't deserve to be alive" Stiles says with no emotion still looking away.

Derek's Pov
"Listen to me Stiles, we love you! I love you! If you died I would never cope and neither would anyone else!" I shout in anger, I grab him and hold him in my chest as he sobs and whimpers in pain.
Everyone starts to leave but Stiles and Derek, after everyone assured Stiles that what he is doing is wrong and they need him.
I won't let go, I can't.
Stiles means to much, I wish I noticed earlier.
Sure I can be a dick to him but.. But I love him, like a mate.
"Derek-" "no Stiles I need to let you know.. That. That, I love you, and not like a pack I mean more than that" I say silently into his hair, "Derek.. I love you too" Stiles says into me as his head lifts up, I lean down as Stiles closes his eyes, I close mine as our lips connect in a sweet sweet kiss that I will never forgot ever. "Mine" I say as I take his hand in mine and lead him towards my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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