#2 Foxs & Wolfs

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• Derek's Pov •

My lungs start to burn as I slow down to lean against a tree. I look up at the sky to see the full moon shining down, lighting my way through the forest as i weave through trees.
Full moons always make me agitated, alert and energetic. The cool nights breeze, calms me down and the stars shining above makes me relax. This is how every full moon goes, I'll run until dawn, circling the forest. I know every inch, every tree, every smell. It's been this way since I was younger, me and Laura my older sister would always spend the full moon playing and running in our wolf form, never slowing down..
A night just like this, slight cool breeze, stars shining showing the Galaxy, small clouds floating past the moon. The same night, ten years ago.. When my family home was burnt black, no survivors except for my uncle who made it out before it collapsed, and me and my sister who arrived in the morning to fire fighters and police lifting the burnt fallen beams.
A tear silently falls down my cheek as thoughts cloud my mind.. I run forward shaking those memories that haunt me. I run and run until I feel for what seems like hours, until I come to an abrupt stop, I hear a whine. Barely audible, probably a yard away. I sniff the air, smelling some sort of animal.. An injured one, fear wafts my way blocking my nose. I hear the faintest heart beat, I start sprinting towards the heartbeat, louder and louder each step. I arrive to a small clearing, I search the area spotting a lump slumped on the ground. I walk towards it not wanting to scare the poor creature, as I step I front of the animal, I smell faint dried blood. I bend down and softly pick It up not wanting to hurt the.. Cat? I run my nose on its fur, sniffing its scent.
A fox.. Strange, why would an injured fox be doing around Hale territory.
I run cradling the sleeping fox, until I reach the new and recently improved Hale house. I fixed it up no longer than a month ago, after Laura's death I wanted to carry on the Hale history creating more memories in the family home.
I push the door open and head to the living room where I lay the fox down on my leather couch. I go and grab the first aid kit in hopes of stopping infection in the little foxs wound. After grabbing a wet cloth I then walk back into the room where the fox lays.. Or was. I stop and stare wondering what happened to the Orange fox with black paws and white snout, but now is a human, well a ware fox? I've never came across a fox that can shift back into a human form. Usually they live their lives as a fox or a human but human forms can only grow ears and a tail but with the same agility as the little creatures. I lean over the fragile boy, seeing the wound slowly healing. Wolfs and foxs aren't supposed to get along, but thanks to my Mother Talia Hale lead alpha, she made a treaty with the fox clan. I grab a blanket at the end of the couch now noticing how bare skinned he was, I lay it over him.. With one last peak that is. The boy has a fragile body build but still quite lean and strong, he has messy brown hair and a few odd moles. I can't help but stare at this young boy, his scent smells to good. Like sweet cinnamon but I can't quite get the mix, it's so intoxicating that I start leaning forward sniffing the air. He starts to stir a little pushing the blanket down enough to see his defined stomach and part of his hip. I bite my bottom lip as my wolf claws to touch this boy I haven't even known for more than an hour. I touch his cheek, my thumb over his bottom lip. So soft and pink. I lean down feeling his breath fan over my lips, I ponder whether or not I should make a move while he's asleep. I feel myself grow just thinking about this boy, and his soft plump lips. I shake those thoughts out of my head and close my eyes. One. Two. Three. I open my eyes ready to kiss this boy that lays infront of me, but he's staring into my eyes with curiosity, his big brown eyes searching for mine.
I take my hand off his cheek and blush in embarrassment but before I can stand up he's already grabbed my shirt pulling me down. He then tilts my chin up so we are looking at eachother eye to eye, he slowly leans forward. I stare at his lips, arousal floating through our nostrils. I attack his lips, picking him up seating him on my lap as i place myself on the couch, he licks my bottom lip in want as I let him glide his tongue into my mouth. He grinds down on my lap causing us both to moan through the now ragged kiss, we part for air as he starts sniffing my neck. Scenting me. He's a stranger, but this feels so right. As if this is a normal thing we do everyday, I wish.
He bites my earlobe causing me to moan.. "M-my names Derek" I gasp. "Stiles" he whispers in my ear sending shivers coursing through my body. I could get used to this. "How o-old are you?" I ask as he trails sweet kisses down my neck. "I'm legal" I sigh in relief as I catch his mouth and connect out lips together once again. Feeling his erection grow, I feel him smile into the kiss as he traces his fingers down to my zipper.
This is going to be one hell of a night.
I feel a warm feeling in my stomach..
The Mate Bond.. Stiles is my Mate! We both know what's going to happen. We still have the mating ritual until we are completely bonded, and I'm surprisingly ready, I never knew I could find love again, or anything happy. But this boy makes me wonder if the pain was worth it, the empty and Lonely feeling was all worth suffering from because now I feel complete with the wonderful surprise.

~ 1089 words ~
Hope you enjoyed this one shot :)

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