Chapter 19

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Who was this bold woman who told people that she was attracted to them and practically gave them a free pass to feel her up on occasion? It wasn't a Jennie that I'd ever met before. But I liked her. She made me feel alive. And so did Lisa.

The way she was watching me now, with dark and hooded eyes firmly on my face while we finished our meal, hardly speaking to one another, was so animalistic that I nearly stood from my chair and ripped my own dress off. And I imagined that her thoughts were not far behind.

We finished our dinner, and our wine, while making polite small talk, avoiding any further mention of sex or attraction. Then she stood from her seat and crossed the table to me. She held out a hand and I took it, letting her pull me to my feet and lead me out of the kitchen and dining room and back towards the deck. I started to ask where we were going but knew the moment I saw the pinkish orange light slanting in through the windows. The sun was setting. She was taking me to watch the sunset with her.

It was a romantic thing to do, especially more so given that I'd basically given her permission to tear my clothes off and she'd opted for this romantic gesture instead.

There was a fire pit on the deck, which she lit up the instant we reached it, surrounded by an assortment of comfy outdoor couches with puffy pillows and light blankets. I shivered in the evening breeze coming off of the water and Lisa wrapped a blanket gently around my shoulders before lowering me onto the couch and taking a seat cozied up next to me.

She propped an arm up onto the back of the couch behind me and lifted a leg so her ankle rested against her knee. She was giving me a few inches of space, not pressed too up against me without my permission. But I nuzzled in next to her anyway, pushing my cheek into her hard chest as I wrapped the blanket tighter around my body. She went rigid at the touch but only for a moment, then she relaxed into it, even dropping her arm from the couch to wrap around my shoulder, letting her hand fall into my hair where her fingers absentmindedly played with the dangling strands. Inwardly, I groaned. Was she even aware of how sexy that was?

For a while, we watched the sun set in silence. I stared out at the beautiful horizon and the shimmering pastels reflected in the ocean with a content smile on my lips. I didn't realise Lisa had been watching me until I turned to find her staring, with a look of fervent adoration in her eyes that sent my heart soaring.

"What are you..." I started but I got no further.

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