Chapter 45

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"I'm sorry." I was saying when Lisa finally set me down. Shaking my head back and forth, I felt the tears starting to fall again. "I'm so sorry. I never should have left. I never should have run away. I hope you can forgive me. I hope..."

"Jennie, you were forgiven the moment you walked in." she told me.

I smiled, while staring up into the adoring eyes of the only person that I'd ever truly loved.

"I'll testify." I said then. "I'll talk to the judge myself. I'll go get a lawyer. I'll do whatever I need to do. Lisa, just tell me how to keep you here, tell me how to make sure that you stay with me."

She grinned at me, while cupping my cheeks in her hands and locking eyes with me.

"You're here, Jennie. That's all that matters." she said. I reached up and held the hands cupping my face with my own.

My heart was pounding in my chest, while my hands were shaking. I'd never felt this way before. I'd never felt so terrified at the prospect of losing someone. Once I'd decided that I agreed with what Chahee had been telling me all along, that Lisa, and whatever this was between us, was worth the risk to my heart, I had been desperate to see her again, to fix things between us. I'd hardly been able to sit still on the plane ride here, I was so angsty. Now, while standing in front of her, watching her, feeling her, I finally felt calm. I finally felt like I was home.

Then the doors to the judge's chambers opened and the man himself emerged, followed by both attorneys who had gone with him before. The woman was frowning. I wasn't sure what that meant but I'd been here long enough to gather that she was the one making the case against Lisa, so her being upset seemed like a good thing. I couldn't read Lisa's attorney's face though. They both stopped in front of the bench while the judge ascended back to his seat.

"Ms. Kim, Ms. Manoban, approach the bench, please." the judge called out and we did as we were told, Lisa opening the little gate so that I could come inside and then holding my hand while we stepped forward.

The judge watched us with a shrewd eye for a moment before he spoke again.

"This trial has turned into a bit of a circus." he said. "I've lost control of this court and, frankly, my own patience. So here's what we're going to do, and counsel is in agreement. I am going to ask you a couple of questions. When you have answered them to my satisfaction, I will issue my ruling. No more witnesses, not more outbursts. Just some simple questions. Are we clear?"

Lisa and I both nodded.

"Ms. Manoban, do you love Ms. Kim?" The judge asked.

Lisa smiled and answered without hesitation, "Yes, your honour. I do."

"Ms. Kim, do you love Ms. Manoban?"

I looked over to Lisa. She gave me the warmest smile and the gentlest hand squeeze and I melted all over again.

"Yes, your honour. I do." I replied.

It wasn't the 'I Do' moment that little girls had dreamed of. It wasn't the profession of love that I had ever thought I would give or get. But it was enough. It was everything to me.

"Do either of you have any intention of ending your marriage within the foreseeable future?" The judge asked.

"No, your honour." I answered automatically and saw Lisa's lips quirk into a wide grin at my response.

"Finally, and I cannot believe that I still have to ask this question, in this day and age. Have you consummated your marriage?"

I stared back at him in shock and then lowered my head as my cheeks turned a dark crimson.

"My apologies, Ms. Kim." the judge said kindly, while noticing my discomfort, "I have to ask."

"We have, your honour." Lisa replied on our behalf.

"Well then, by the power vested in me by the state of California, I hereby declare you, Ms. Lalisa Pranpriya Manoban, a permanent citizen of the United States with full rights and privileges." the judge ordered, while banging his gavel.

My jaw dropped as Lisa swept me up into a hug, while spinning me around in celebration.

"Miss Nickles and Agent Ahn, meet me in my chambers. Now." the judge added, with his tone much harsher.

"I can't believe it!" I cried, while wrapping my arms around Lisa's neck and kissing her firmly on the mouth.

"I'm a citizen." she replied, totally breathless once we had separated. "I'm finally, actually, a citizen."

Then we were being rushed by the horde of friends who had been watching the proceedings from the gallery. Nate and Rosé came first, running up to us, while shaking our hands and hugging us. Drew and Reggie were there too, smiling and congratulating us. A few more of Lisa's employees were there, offering her well wishes. And then there was Nan, Prija, and Kevin who each gave me a hug and a whispered welcome to the family, for real this time.

Soon enough, a pair of court officers were shooing us out of the room, asking us to take our celebrations elsewhere. As our friends shuffled on ahead of us, still speaking to one another in excited, and hushed tones, Lisa led me onward with a hand on my lower back and a big smile on her lips.

"After you, my dear Nini." she drawled with a grin. I smiled up at her like a giddy schoolgirl, in awe that this amazing person was actually, truly, and really in love with me, and excited that our marriage finally felt real for the first time.

I stood on my tip toes, while giving Lisa one last kiss on her jaw, and replied.

"Why, thank you, my darling Lili."

-- THE END --

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