Chapter 1

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Jin one who was true to his job he worked hard everyday at SKP (Seoul Korea's Perfume) they sold many perfumes and even had a couple sales abroad the state.

As he was working quietly at his desk. Of course one of his enemies come up to him leading his right hand on his desk, it was Kim Namjoon. He joined just a two months after me and still seemed to impress everybody with his works.

Jin didn't know why but he really wanted to overpower him. Namjoon gave Jin a smirk fiddling with his papers.

"Hey Mr. Jinnie~ what are you working on?" He asked knowing I was in the middle of something.

Jin sighed slamming his pencil down, "What do you want Kim Namjoon?!"


Jin scoffed rolling his eyes, "Yeah whatever you say, I'm currently working on something so if you'll please—."

"Actually Min yoongi called us to the office, that's why I came to you." He said tapping on the desk.

Jin brought himself up clearing his throat, "Okay, I have to speak with him anyways."

Namjoon smiled nodding, "l'll see you there."

Jin passed by him with his arms crossed around his chest. Namjoon peacefully walked behind him bowing at the other employees and peers.

Min Yoongi sat at his desk clicking the pen on his right hand sliding his rolling chair from side to side waiting patiently for their arrival.

"Greetings sajangnim!" Jin deeply bowed sitting down on the table.

Namjoon bowed back with a smile on his face. They both sat down alongside each other and Jin scooted his chair away from Kim Namjoon holding a scowl.

"Okay, so as you know we've been looking for a CEO, you two really mark the charts." Min Yoongi explained intertwining his fingers that laid on the table. "Sooo... I'll make the decision now."

"Excuse me sajangnim.. but isn't it too early..?"

Namjoon objected with one hand up, "No I think it's at a perfect timing" he smiled.

Jin huffed rolling his eyes. "Ok—."

"Actually you two have been on top of the game so that's why I'll choose, me and the team have been thinking..." Yoongi hummed rubbing his chin with his hand. "We're giving the spot to..."

"Kimmmm.. Namjoon."

Jin's eyes widened as he turned to the older one, "Wait— there must be a mistake—."

"Well... it was very clear in my ears.."

Min Yoongi glanced over at Kim Namjoon and nodded with a soft smile on his face. Jin was shocked at this has his jaw dropped. NO WAY this guy that joined just two months after me gets the spot. I worked harder! Jin thought running his hands in his hair.

"Wow Jin now looks like I am officially the CEO~" Namjoon flexed as he stood up and wiped down his suit.

Jin sprung up looking at Yoongi in disbelief, "Ya! There's no way Namjoon got the spot sajangnim."

"Or maybe there is~" The latter responded giving Namjoon his name tag.

Jin watched the whole thing and wanted to snatch the tag right away. He just didn't understand though, out of all the people, him?! Jin didn't know what he was going to do now.

Namjoon kept the same smile on his name bowing to his boss Min Yoongi who shook his hand.

"Thank you so much sajangnim."

Timeless Days ||Namjin|| ffWhere stories live. Discover now