Chapter 11

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Right after work Jin just had to get ready, he didn't want to look overly dressed so he thought long and hard about his outfit. Nothing too fashionable, something simple.

Puckering his lips he examined his nicely hanged up clothes that sat in the closet. It had plenty of space for multiple outfits.

And this would be the first time Jin actually went out for dinner, besides his parents taking him. It was a new experience, and with someone new.

Taehyung always had great style, maybe Jin just had to think like him for a second. No, there's no way Jin could think like Taehyung right now.

"I'll just wear this dull green turtle neck and these black skinny jeans— oh and also with these white tennis shoes." He finally decided taking them all out laying them on his mattress.

Jin now had to go take a quick shower before he could go so he could look his best. That was the important part of it all.

As the water rinsed off of his smooth pale skin and the foamy soap covered his body, it was polishing his skin to perfection.

When he finished he officially got dressed and he even did his hair to a style he liked till he was satisfied. Jin always reminded himself about how handsome he was no matter what.

"Should I call Taehyung real quick?" Jin wondered tapping on the rim of his phone. "Hmm I guess it wouldn't hurt to."

And so Jin called Taehyung, with a even smile on his face he said, "Taehyung! How do I look?" Pointing the camera to his outfit.

The latter clapped over the phone, "You look handsomer Jin! Woww.."

Jin giggled bringing the phone with him along with his tiny bag—just in case. "Thank you Taehyung."

Jin entered his white car positioning the phone to the correct angle snapping on his seatbelt.

"So what about you Tae? Are you doing anything special?"

"Me?! Nooo I have my best friends with me, I'm a-okay." He answered in affectionate tone brushing the idea of love right off of his shoulder.

"Oh, okay if you say so." Jin teased backing out. Now he was headed to the location that was sent by Jaehyung. "Any ways~ I'll update you later Okay? It's been a long day please get enough rest and practice cooking! Remember what I taught you?"

Taehyung laughed a bit in his sentence, "Okay— but Jimin hyung was distracting me the other time so I couldn't really focus— haha."

"Tell him to never enter the kitchen again." The latter playfully said.

"Okayyy, I'll text you later hyung! Have fun!"

"Alright Tae, thanks again!" Jin blew a quick kiss at his phone locking his eyes on the road so the younger one could hang up.


Jin arrived just a couple minutes later, he was ready to go see the person and eat. Since Jin usually cooked a lot at his apartment, this was a good opportunity to take a break.

Walking inside the crowd in the restaurant, Jin felt a light tap on his shoulder. Immediately turning around to see the individual, it was a guy with black hair and blonde streaks that were styled like curtain bangs, he dressed appropriately matching with black and white, his button up long sleeve was white and the bottoms to his shoes were black.

He also wore a sliver necklace and a watch. And lastly he had cat-like eyes and moderate lips with a symmetrical face. Jin was shocked at his beauty taking a quick bow.

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