¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ Chapter 2: Arrested, are we? ༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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"King!" I ran over, passing the guards but they already knew of my face so didn't stop me and also because they could tell it was an emergency that couldn't wait since my mentor is all alone! I bowed to the Red steve front me with a crown, formally talking to his assistant before turning to me.

"Stand straight." I listened to the king's orders, standing straight and waited for him to say something so It wouldn't be awkward. "What news do you have? And where is your mentor?" The king asked me. It was clear he was thinking the news might involve my mentor, well he was right, as the king should be.

"My mentor... He's facing a group of criminals at this moment! He's in danger and the people fighting him are dangerous.. Th- They have weapons and- we- we need guards send there now!" I was exhausted from running all the way to the castle, there was no time to waste.

"Where is he right now?" The king asked, strangely calm at this news. Although I wasn't bothered by it that much since he had more important things to do, atleast he was listening to me. I then replied in a hurried tone, "He- He's in the middle of the forest beside the kingdom."

The king stayed silent for a moment to collect his thoughts, before sighing in disappointment. "Wow, such useful information you gave me." I could hear the sarcasm in his voice and I was sad by it, but then again it was fair.

The assistant was about to leave the scene, but the king turned to face him. "Prepare the–" "Yes sir, I'll get the guards." Assistant rudely interrupted the king but had predicted what he was about to say, walking out of the room before the king got out of his shock.

The king turned to me afterwards. "Anything else that I need to know that would prove more use?" I shook my head and he then gestured me to go, I didn't make a big scene about the king's sarcastic response and just left, despite how sad and angry I was.

|| Red's Pov ||

I was more than outnumbered, I just sacrificed myself to protect territory from these strangers. "So, you all are not from here.. another dimension.. right?" I half coughed, stopping my fighting stance.

"As you already know, Im a Red Steve but people call my Red for short, very creative nickname." I said with a little sarcasm.

"Yeah, my parents didn't come with a unique name for me unlike all other Red Steves," I shrug. "Also, the Red Steve you saw earlier is Kire and I think I mentioned it.."

"Seems like your right, Balance.. We are in a very different world, more different than the ones we visited." Another mix colored Steve agreed.

"You should hide unless you want to know what happens to trespassers," This alerted them. "You all seem very weakened to the point your technically powerless." I pointed out.

"Anything else we need to know about like explaining how this world works could be useful." A nether mix colored Steve asked. "Or atleast the kingdoms is okay."

"As far as I, or anyone in the kingdom knows, the Blue kingdom has gone rogue and Orange kingdom has fallen. The rest of the kingdoms are struggling, which includes the Red Kingdom." I explain.

"The main problem is darkness but we also have another problem that the Red Steves are being hunted for some reason." I turned my backs, walking away from them.

"And why can't we come with you so you can tell us more?" A Diamond Steve questioned, "Why do we have to be alone?"

"First things, tell me your names since I don't want to call you Steve#1 and Steve#2." I said.

"Right. The name is Diamond Steve! Or Diamond." The diamond shaped back steve introduced themselves. "This is my friend, Bedrock steve!" The black steve waved at me.

"I'm Balance Steve or also known as Balancer and my friends." He points at each of his friends and named all of them, which was a lot. He actually took the time to introduce all of them, wow.

"I'm Sabre." "But I'm Sabre?" "Wait, but I'm also Sabre?" The three people with blindfold had obvious confusion. "Does that mean I'll just call you all a Sabre1, Sabre2 and Sabre3?"

"Anyways, this is obviously a kill or be killed. Half of this world is filled with darkness." I try to explain as this was getting awkward.

"I can see that but a kill or be killed world is something I've never heard of before, what about.. villains exist here, correct? or.." The green shirt Sabre didn't finish, he was clearly going in a state of confusion.

"It's common nowadays, the world used to be peaceful but as a prophecy told us, it wasn't lasting long but your guys arrival seem to match a very old prophecy aswell.. I'll find that one out soon, I'm sure of it." I responded.

"You should head out now.." I pointed to the thick trees behind them. "Those trees should hide you long enough to get out of our territory."

"But-" Diamond paused, a thud heard afterwards. "FREEZE!" The Red guard orders, the steves try to use any skills or abilities they had but nothing seem to spark up.

"W-WHY CANT I FLY!?" A Dark steve said, jumping to the air like they are attempting to fly as they mentioned. "HELP US!" The Rainbow guy yelled, struggling from the guard's grip.

I glance at the Rainbow Steve before I shook my head, closing my eyes from exhaustion on talking. "You had hours to escape."

"I told you, warned you even to go but still, you stayed.." I continue to walk away, "The King decides your fates.."

Once I was far enough from them, I burst into laughter. "G- god, my acting skills are a master!" I stutter, smiling to myself. "He, they won't know what hit em! Even if this costs me my life."

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