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Jennifer's POV

Later that day my dad calls me downstairs to talk to me and my mother.

 "We are going out for a meal with my boss and his family so that we can talk about some business stuff and bond a little bit" He says.

 A huge smile starts to come across my face as I think about Harry. "That's fine" I say to him before running upstairs to get changed.

 "The dress code is casual" my father shouts after me.

"Ok" I call out. "What to wear, what to wear?" I think to myself. I end up wearing black tights and a casual red dress with a black jacket.

"Perfect" I think. "Impressive but not to dressy" I take a look in the mirror and smile. I leave my hair down because I love it natural and then start to apply my makeup.

"Finished" I say out loud before putting on my shoes and going downstairs to join my parents. "You ready" My father asks.

"Yup" I reply.

 Me and my mother go outside and unlock the car while my father locks the front door and gets into the car to join us.

 My father starts the car and in 10 minutes pulls up in the car park of the restaurant in which we are going to meet the Connick family. I, my mother and father get out the car as my father locks it. I follow my mother and father into the restaurant.

 I see Harry standing there in black jeans and a white shirt with really cool black and white trainers on his feet. My mother and father walk over to my father's new boss and start talking to him and his partner while I stand there staring down at the floor.

"Hello" Harry says to me before smiling.

"Hey" I reply.

"You look very pretty tonight" He adds. "You're not so bad yourself" I say whilst laughing slightly.

 "Come on guys take a seat" Harry's father says to both of us.

 I take a seat next to my mother which is directly facing Harry. Throughout the night I and my family chat with Harry's and get to know them a little bit.

 After we have finished our puddings we say our goodbye's but can't take my eyes off Harry the whole time as he smiles back at me.

 I follow my parents out into the car and put on my seatbelt with a huge grin on my face. My Father drives out of the car park and I look in my bag to find my iPod and I find a folded up piece of paper on top of it.

 I pick it up and unfold it and there before me is a phone number and the words "Incase You Need Me".

 I know exactly who it's from and I smile the whole journey home.

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