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Jennifer's POV

I lie on my bed and begin to text Harry. "Hope you got home safe xx" I send to him.

 He replies saying. "I'll be fine, good night baby xx". "Good night Harry" I send back to him.

I place my phone on my bedside cabinet and go to get changed into my favourite pyjamas before climbing into bed and turning off the light. I fall asleep with a huge smile on my face and dream about my future with Harry.  

I wake up the next morning still smiling and can't wait to see Harry again. Istart to walk downstairs. "Why are you so happy?" my father asks me.

 "No reason" I reply whilst laughing. I sit down in front of the TV and put on the music channel and start to sing along to the songs as they come on.

"We are going out for lunch" my mother tells me. "Where we going?" I ask her "There's a pizza restaurant on the edge of the beach, I hear the food is really nice in there" my father adds.

"Sounds cool" I reply. "Go get ready then" my mother says to me.

I run upstairs and get changed into a pair of leggings with denim shorts and a t-shirt. I leave my hair down and put on my makeup. 

After putting my shoes on me put my phone in my pocket and go down stairs to meet my parents.

"Ready?" my father asks.

"Yes" I reply.

 Me and my parents go outside and get into our car before driving off to the restaurant. After a 5 minute drive my father parks the car in the car park.

 We all get out and he locks the car. I follow my mother and father inside.

"Table for three?" A waiter asks us.

"Yes" my father replies.

My  parents and I follow him to a table and sit down. The waiter takes our drink order and goes off to get them.

My mother and father start talking to one another about random things which don't interest me. Instead of listening I look around the restaurant from where we're sitting and take in all the small detail within.

I notice one man stood near the cash register is wearing a suit and no one else is but I just ignore it and go back to looking around.

My search is disturbed by a waiter placing glasses down in front of me but accidently dropping one on the floor.

"OH MY, iam so sorry" he says to my father.

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