Chapter 2

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Amity POV:

I just invited Luz over for the Azura book club meeting today. TODAY?!!?! We are going to be in my room. MY ROOM!?!! What am I going to say? What do I wear? Calm down Amity it's not like you asked her out on a date. Right just calm down and focus on getting the area of the room set up for the book club.

Walking towards my house always puts a  frown on my face. While walking down the path, I heard voices coming from the bushes.

Uhh Ed and Em are probably there just to try to annoy me. I walked closer to the noise, I carefully opened the bush just to find Boscha and the new girl Abby. I hid behind another bush and listened to the conversation because what if it's something terrible.

"So Abby, how was your first day of school" boscha asked.

"It was good, but then I met the human you were talking about, she is very annoying" Abby answered.

How dare she call Luz annoying, she is nothing but sweet and kind. I just wanted to emerge from the bush and tell them off, but then I realized this is a private conversation and I am technically not supposed to be here.

"Yeah she is very annoying, anyway ready for the plan to get rid of her" Boscha said with an evil grin.

"Of course bestie" Abby said.

" Alright here is what we are going to do, I know her little secret, she has a crush on..." Boscha stopped mid sentence.

*A twig snapped in half*

Oops, I heared Boscha moving towards the bush I was in, I quickly scooted further away, and clapped my hands against my mouth so she does not hear my breathing.

"I know someone is here, show yourself or things will not go well for you" Boscha said with an angry tone.

"Come on Boscha, let's go somewhere else to talk about this" Abby said.

After Abby said that, Boscha and her left towards a path. My mind decided to follow them, I had no control over my own mind.

Soon the path led up to a small cabin. The cabins wood planks looked like it was going to fall at any moment. I took a deap breath and slowly opened the door and hide in the small closet in the living room.

Eventually I heared the voices of Boscha and Abby. I made sure the closet was closed so they can't see me. I also made sure my scroll was on silent so that it would not ring.

"Anyway as I was saying, that human has a crush on ...." Boscha said.

I could not hear the name because the closet door kind of makes the voices muffle.

"No way, well no wonder you want to get rid of her" Abby said.

"Ok so the plan is that, we are going to write a fake letter to Luz, saying that we have her crush hostage, and that we stab her, if Luz does not leave this realm and never comes back" Boscha told Abby.

"That's good in all, but is that a little to extreme. What if I we wrote to her as her crush saying that she knows about Luz's crush on her, and rejecting her making Luz feel sad, that way we can lead her by talking with her about going back" Abby told Boscha.

"Hmm that actually works out very well, let's add one more thing to the plan to make sure her heart is more broken" Boscha said.

"I know, what if I tell her that I like her after her crush rejects her, and who knows maybe Luz will perk up and start to feel hope" Abby said.

"And after she gains hope and is with you, you can cheat on her, and tell her that she does not belong here and just should go back to the human realm. That will break her heart more and she will have to agree to back"  Boscha said.

"Let's do it, Bosch you can write the letter, and I will do the rest" Abby said.

" Got it, well talk to you later" Boscha said.

After that they both left, I was speechless, why would they do something horrible to her. What did she do to them. I just have to make sure I can warn Luz before it happens. Speaking of Luz, I am supposed to be in my room for the book club, because it starts in.... 5 MINUTES. Well time to run back. Hopefully at the book club, I can tell Luz to be careful. I don't want her to get hurt, she is my first real friend that I have had since willow. I don't want to lose her.

As I was running towards my home, I tripped over a rock I think and fell. Just then my mind blanked out, and my eyes felt really heavy, I could barely even stand up. Looking around the area, to see if someone could help me, no one was near. I could not keep my eyes open any longer. My mind went dark again, and my eyes closed, not knowing if I will wake up again.

*Authors Note: hope you guys liked this chapter, sorry for ending in a cliffhanger, but what do you think happened to Amity. Tell me in the comments.*

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