Chapter 6

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Luz POV:

After Amity left, I frantically kept checking my phone for any messages, but none showed up. Did she get hurt again? This is scaring me now. Maybe I should have walked her. Why did I think about that before.

"Kid stop pacing around the living you are starting to scare us," Eda said.

"Sorry Eda, I am just worried about Amity. She still has not answered me about getting home safe," I said.

Suddenly I got a message on my phone, I opened it quickly and checked who it was from. It was Amity.

Luz, don't worry about me, I got home safe, and surprisingly, my mom is not mad at me. I hope you are doing well, see you at school , Amity

Good, she is safe, but her mom is not mad at her, that is very strange, maybe Amity is lying about that, well I guess I will see her tomorrow. I turned around to Eda, looking at me, wanting to know if she should give me something to relax. "Eda, don't worry, I am fine now, Amity told me she is fine," I told her.

After Eda left the room, I went up to my room and started to get ready for school. I'm excited to see Willow, Gus, and Amity. I wonder how Willow and Gus's weekend was.

(At Hexside)

"Luz," Gus called out to me while running.

"Hey Gus, how are you?" I asked him.

"I am good, how are you, and where is Willow? I have not seen her yet," Gus answered me clearly out of breath.

"I am fine, and I have not seen Willow yet either, I thought she would be with you," I said to Gus.

I heard footsteps coming from behind us, and I turned around to see Willow, but something about her was different. Her eyes were red instead of her natural eye color.

"Hey Willow, new look," Gus asked her.

"I did not ask you to start talking Gus, wow you are so annoying," Willow said, snapping at him.

"Willow, that was a little harsh," I said.

Willow turned to look at me with an angry expression. "Look who it is, the human of the boiling isles, do yourself a favor and return the human realm, no one wants you here," Willow said to me.

Her words stung me, I could not believe that Willow out of all people would say something like that. "Willow, what has gotten into you? You are never like this," I said, trying not to cry.

"Aww, are you going to cry? Did the truth hurt you, I can't say I am surprised. You humans are quite emotional," Willow said, laughing at me.

Gus looked like he wanted to punch Willow so that she would come to her senses. I was trying not to think about what Willow had said. She did not mean it right, but what if she was right, I am not supposed to be here, I am a burden on everyone. Everyone that is friends with me only beoa,e my fbecause they felt bad for me. I ran away crying, leaving Gus with Willow.

I ran to the bathroom and went into an empty stall, closed the door and crawled into a ball, and cried until I could no longer feel a thing. I did not even realize that the bell rang, which meant time for class, I did not care about going to class right now.

I heard the bathroom door open and small steps towards the stall I was in. Just great, someone else wants to join in the lets make Luz sad club. I expected the person to start insulting me, but that never came. Instead, the person spoke in a sweet voice that I recognized. "Luz, are you in there, I heard what happened with Willow, I can't believe she would do something like this. Can you open the door so we can talk about this?" Amity(?) said.

The last thing I want to do is to talk to anyone, but I do need to cheer up. So I slowly opened the door, expecting to see Amity, but instead, it was Abby. I was mad at this point, why do people love to toy with my emotions. "What do you want?" I said with clear annoyance.

"I just want to say that I feel sorry for you. Clearly, Willow was not a good friend to you. I can be a better friend than willow. In fact, I want to be your girlfriend, cause I am the only one who actually cares about you" Abby told me.

I looked at Abby in shock, and not the kind of happy shock, "Abby I appreciate you trying to help me, but I see you as just a friend, I have feelings for someone else I am sorry".

Abby then smirked and looked right at me, " I know who you like Luz, I can tell her or I can make her life miserable if you don't cooperate, it's your choice".

My eyes were covered in fear, this can't be happening right, surely she is just joking, she can't be serious about Amity's safety, then it all clicked, she was jealous the whole time, she was the one that hurt  Amity that day, she did all of this but why. "Abby, is it ok if I think about this for a day?" I asked

"I guess, but tomorrow I expect an answer from you" Abby answered me walking away.

I gulp in fear, what am I going to do about this, I wish I could have a clone so that the clone could do this and not me. Wait thats it a clone, I need to ask the twins for a favor, because Gus has a lot on his plate right now I don't need to add more to it.

Hopefully the twins will understand this and help me out, otherwise I am doomed.

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