chapter 2

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Y/n  pov

It was the next morning and we got ready for the day. After Kiko and I were finished we whent to the dining hall for breakfast.

That is when I saw the Tedros again he was sitting with Beatrix. They were surrounded with princes and princesses. There was this one that Kiko could not keep her eyes off of.

"Who ia that?" I asked while pointing at the prince. "That is Tristin he is so cute." Kiko said still looking at him. "I think someone has a crush." I teased Kiko "Oh shut up Y/n." Kiko said blushing.

That is when my eye cout a surten someone's. I smiled at him then he did something I did not expect he was about to stand up but Beatrix pushed him back down again.

Breakfast was over and Kiko and I were on our way to Beautification when we bumped into Tedros. " oh hi Kiko and..." Tedros said looking at me. " Y/n " I said. "Y/n" he said as if he was testing my name on his thung.

"Well we we have to get to class." I said grabbing Kiko and walking away. That boy made me feel butterflys and I did not like it.

When we arrived at beautification we whent and took a seat. I sat next to the new girl that did not have eany friends. Kiko sat next to me.

The new girl sat and steard at the window at one of the princes. "Who is that?" She asked while pointing at Tristin. "That is Tristin." I said. "Ok thanks." She said.

"My name is Agatha by the way." She said. " I am Y/n nice to meet you Agatha." I said.

The day went buy calmly until the evening. Kiko and I were walking along the hallway when we saw Tedros and some other prince in a fist fight.

That is when Kiko ran to them. She was going to try and break up the fighting.  I ran after her after her because she was going to get herself hurt.

"Tedros, Eric stop." Kiko said while trying to pull Tedros of of Eric. She was about to get punched by Eric. "Kiko watch out!" I shouted.

Kiko ducked and missed the punch. When I got there I punched Eric on his nose. It started to bleed. I just kept on throwing punches at him. That is when I felt someone pull me away from him. It was Tedros. He held me back till I calmed down.

"I did not know you could fight like that Y/n." Tedros said. "Well there are a lot of things you don't know about me Tedros. Anyway we have to get to our dorm so bye." I said

Once we were in our dorm Kiko gave me a big smile."What?" I asked her. "I think someone might have a crush." She said. "No I don't." I said.

Tedros is with Beatrixand besides I wouldn't tell her even if I did have a crush on him.

As we were getting ready for bed there was a knock on the door. I went to open it because Kiko was still doing her nightly routine.

As I opened the door I saw professor Dovey she seemed to be in a rush. "Y/n can you please come with me."she said in a demanding voice. "Yeah" I said hesitant.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me with her. I didn't even get to tell Kiko that I was going with her. We stopped in front of the headmaster's office. That'swhen I knew I was in trouble.

We entered and I saw Tedros and Eric in there waiting for us. "Mis.L/n so nice of you to join us." He said. "I heard about the fight you all have been in and you will be punished." He said calmly.

"What why?!"I said really loud."You will be punished by washing the dishes for two week and clean the hallways for one week."He said slightly angry.     

"You will all be in the kitchen after dinner tomorrow to wash the dishes." He said. And with that I went back to my dorm.

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