strange people

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Chapter 1

As you leave your small apartment building, the sudden reminder that this is your last day to work on your project makes you groan. All you have to do is finish putting the information in your presents platform and you're done, but there's a lot of information to put and you need to verify that it's all actually true. Can't have any conspiracy theories in your work.

Not to mention, presentations are tomorrow and presenting in front of people is the worst. Especially since everyone in the school seems to avoid you like the plague ever since the death of your parents. And you can't forget the orphan jokes that happen everyday.

It's been about three years since their deaths but the memory is still clear in your mind, a memory you can never let go of. Seeing them fall down that cliff was horrifying. That day, the first day trip they took with you, the day they told you you should see the world instead of being 'a lazy daughter'. It was just you three on that cliff, then it was just you.

When you shake your head to get rid of your thoughts, you realise your technique started acting up again. It always does when you feel a negative emotion of any kind. Your parents were powerful jujutsu sorcerers and they always told you that you could never be like them if you couldn't control your emotions. Easy for them to say, they got to go to a special school while you're stuck in a town where everyone hates you.

You shrink down the plants that grew at alarming speed. At least no one saw that. Well, no human saw that.

You notice another one of those black mist curses from the corner of your eye. They're different from all the other curses you've seen, these ones being more misty and more disturbing then scary. These guys have been following you for a while now. You don't know where they came from but you try not to think about them too. They don't attack you so it can't be that big of a deal, you'll just have to live with them.

As you turn at a corner to continue your journey to school, you suddenly bump into someone who turns the same corner. You look up at the person to apologise, but falter at the strange blindfold he has on along with his white hair that's put up with gel probably. "Sorry," you apologise when you regain your bearings.

"You're different," the man whispers to himself while staring at you. You furrow your brows at his strange words. Must be a guy on drugs.

"Um okay... bye." You quickly walk past him, sensing his gaze as you do. "Creepy."

After a bit more walking, trying to ignore the strange interaction, you walk into your school. You have bigger problems to deal with like ignoring the looks students give you and surviving math. At least you're not completely alone. You have one friend that you talk to in the hallways.

"Y/n!" You hear a voice call. Speaking of your friend.

His pink hair is always the thing you see first whenever he pops out of nowhere. And then it's that bright smile of his that can light up anyone's day including you own. He's a very nice person too which makes him all the more your favourite. "Hey, Yuji."

You never liked being called by your last name so when you met Itadori Yuji, you told him to call you by your first name. He told you that if he called you by your first name, then you could do the same to him. That interaction was one of the rare times that you smiled a genuine smile.

"Ready for another dad joke?" You ask, despite knowing the answer already.

"Always am," he responds, waiting for your daily dad joke.

"What has five toes but isn't your foot?" It's a bad one but it's still funny to you. He shrugs, not being able to figure it out. "My foot."

It takes him a second before he chuckles. "That was terrible." You nod in agreement, also letting out a chuckle.

feelings (fushiguro megumi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now