baby voices and creepy floaty thingies

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Chapter 5

"So gloomy," you half complain as you stick your hand out for the rain to drop on. Plus, the sky is darker than usual and the tension between your three friends who're staring at you is making it worse. "Sorry."

Ijichi, who was explaining how the curse scale works, sighs. "Anyways, like I said, it's either run or die." Ah, special grades. "Your mission is to save any survivors and bring them back."

"Excuse me!" A high pitched voice sounds from behind your group. You're all pretty quick to turn, it having scared the shit out of you guys - well at least it did for you. But looking at this woman's face, it seems she's the one that's the most scared. "Where's Tadashi?! Where's my son?!"

Your head quickly snaps to Yuji as you see his lip quivering from the corner of your eye. Of course he'd be sad, this is his first time where someone is dependent on him to find someone. Sure, he probably felt some sort of pressure when he was saving the two from our old school, but now he has someone crying for his help.

"We're going to save them," he says.

"Of course we are," Kugisaki responds while you and Fushiguro stay silent. Without meaning to, you two share a glance filled with both knowing and seriousness. Yet, neither of you say anything as your group walks towards the entrance.

You watch the doors to the abandoned building, listening as Kugisaki laugh at Yuji who thought that the veil Ijichi created was just the sky suddenly turning darker. You let out a little sigh beside them, your lips turning upwards a little out of spite. "Demon dog," Fushiguro says from your right, summoning on of his dogs, much to your delight.

"Well hello there doggo," you baby talk the while creature while crouching down to pet its fur. This makes your worry of the sinking feeling of dread in your chest go away so you happily continue. It gives you a sniff before happily nudging its head in your hand as if not only accepting your touch but eagerly wanting it. It seems to have recognized you from when you forced Fushiguro to make it appear. You just wanted to pet a dog, is that a crime? "I missed you too."

Fushiguro eyes you but decides to ignore it as you all enter the building. "It'll warn us when a curse is nearby, so make sure to watch him-"

"The door!" You interrupt. The sudden yell from your causes Fushiguro to break out of his train of thought and turn to look at where your eyes land in worry, a sound of frustration leavening his lips. The door that was once behind you has now completely disappeared behind you and all, leaving only the rest of the room you seem to be in. But by the way you and the dark haired one glance at each other, you can both tell it's no room. It's a domain.

"We'll be fine," Fushiguro announces to everyone, stopping the worried two behind him. "The dog remembers where we came in."

Suddenly, the dog is pulled from your grip. At the lack of fur in your hands, your head whips around to see Kugisaki and Yuji bombarding the creature in attention, much to your demise. "Hey, give it back!"

"You're really reliable, Fushiguro," Itadori then says, stoping your evil planning to get the dog back. It takes the other male by surprise too, so much so that he stops staring at you with a weirded out look. Yet, all he does is continue the walk into the domain to which you all follow suit.

The halls quiet as you walk, the only sound heard in your footsteps and the whispers from Yuji and Kugisaki in the back every so often. The dog walks between you and Fushiguro, sniffing in every direction for any sign of a curse. And yet, even if the halls are almost dead silent, you only realize your heavy breathing of worry when Fushiguro calls your name. "Y/n."

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