you should eat-WAIT NO

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Chapter 2

warning: blood

You heave as you reach finally reach the school, putting a hand on the closest tree to stabilize yourself. Thankfully you know the way to the school because your hope of helping would have washed away like chalk on a rainy day. Those two are just too damn fast.

Your breathing starts to go back to its normal pace so you take the time to search for at least one of the boys. That proves to be easy so nice you spot some familiar pink hair. "Yuji!"

Yuji's eyes shift from one of the windows of the school to you with widened eyes. "Y/n?" He asks as you approach while slowly making your face more visible with aid from the street lights above you. "What are you doing here?"

"I overheard everything at the hospital," you answer, guessing he remembers calling you not that long ago.

"So you know about curses now?"

You shake your head. "I've actually know about them my whole life. It might be a lot to take in but it's all true, Yuji."

He frowns for a split second before looking back at you curiously. "Then why do you go to my school and not the one Fushiguro said he goes to?"

Fushiguro? That must be the other guy's name. "It's a long story that we don't have the time for right now. We have to get inside and help."

Before he can even open his mouth to ask anything, you flick your wrist upwards. From the corner of your eye, one of the branches from the tree you were just leaning on grows to an amazing length. With the sound of cracking branches and leaves rustling together, you soon have before you a giant ramp of plants leading to the window Yuji was staring at.

You step onto your designed ramp, using the sound of footsteps on a hard surface as a distraction. Your technique bases its power negative emotions so your usual go-to for using your power is to think of a memory from your childhood. You have a wide variety of unpleasant emotions locked in your mind so all that's left is deciding which memory gives you the amount of emotion needed at the moment.

Still, all memories lead to even bigger ones so you have to try distract yourself as soon as possible. So, you take in everything all at once. You take in the smell of the healthy tree, the feel of the power within your veins-

"This is impressive," Yuji suddenly compliments. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see him glance up at the top of the ramp with a shine in his eyes. "I always knew you were cool but I just didn't know you were this cool."

It's like Yuji could sense that you needed to calm down. Actually, it's more like he's always there to help brighten up everyone whether he realizes or not.

"Come on, we've got our senpais to save," you remind him, looking up.

"Yeah, let's go."

Being a way faster runner than you, Yuji obviously makes it there faster than you. You watch him from behind as he runs at full speed, trusting that your plant ramp will be stable enough to let him get there.

Yuji jumps through the window to attack the curse inside making glass shatter all over the floor. He manages to land a hit on the weird curse thing while you follow him soon after, using the ends of your ramp to grab onto the female senior's waist.

With a satisfying thump, you both land on the floor. Quickly, you wipe away some glass from the floor so you can safely put your upperclassman down. The other one is still with the curse but is not in a place for you to save him at the moment.

"This is not what I was expecting curses to look like," Yuji comments from your side.

You want to explain to him that all curses have a different look to them but the sound of flesh ripping interrupts. In a flash, your head snaps to the attacked curse. 

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