fushiguro regrets meeting you

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Chapter 3

The trees rustle alongside Fushiguro as he walks to the morgue he promised to meet everyone in. The breeze hits his almost healed wounds that are thankfully not hurting as much anymore. The only thing that's not to peaceful to Fushiguro is the voice of someone asking him if he has to pick up his shikigami's poop.

"No," he answers once again, as dryly as ever but the other one here with him pays no mind.

"Okay, next question," you continue, making Fushiguro question his entire existence. "Do you have an alarm clock or do you get your shikigami dogs to lick your face?"

This time, the answer to your weird question is a simple walk away. Once you realize the boy is walking faster to get away from you, you immediately match his pace and go off on a tangent about a completely different topic. The rest of the walk is short which Fushiguro is extremely thankful for.

The morgue, as expected, has a very gloomy aura to it which puts the dark haired male on high alert. Somewhere that is connected to death and misery in any way is a big danger when it comes to curses so Fushiguro wants to be prepared at any moment. "Y/n," he calls - by your first name as instructed by you - "you have to be careful around here, a curse that I can't sense could very well be here."

Silence is the answer that follows. With a roll of his eyes Fushiguro turns around to grimace at whatever caused the silence until he sees where you're standing.

A bit farther away you stand with your head looking up at something on a big board that Fushiguro didn't even notice. Your eyes are fixated on one thing in particular and he even notices that your eyes get the slightest bit glassier. With your glassy eyes and arms falling limply to your side, Fushiguro know that you're not feeling as skippy as you were a few seconds ago.

Looking up, he instantly knows why your mood changed so suddenly. This board shows all the names of every dead person who has ever been sent here. There are many names here, even a couple of foreign names of people who came from elsewhere, but two catch his eye: both of the L/n parents.

"Did you ever visit them?" How the question slipped from his mouth without warning, Fushiguro has no idea. But when he takes a glance at you, he doesn't see a change to your stoic expression at all. Actually, this might be the only time he's seen you without a smile this whole time other than the fight.

"Once," you reply before he could push on the thought. "After my parents died, a couple that works for a top business here took me in just to look like nice people. When cameras were sure to arrive, they decided to take me here as a way to 'let them go and move on'."

Suddenly, as if that small bit of emotion dumping flipped a switch, you're suddenly back to your usual chirpy self. Your smile is bright as you rush away, singing about how funny Itadori's reaction will be when he finds about going to school.

Fushiguro stands there a second longer. He watches you leave for the morgue with a slight skip in your step to present yourself as happy. But, deciding not to dwell on it because he's too tired, he decides to follow you and save the problems for later.

The search for the room Yuji and Gojo are in is quick and you immediately recognize the voice of the person on the other side of the door. "Where are we going?" Your friend asks.

That's when you slam open the door with a big smile on your face. "Tokyo," you and Fushiguro answer, the latter having arrived at the perfect moment.

One of Yuji's magnificent smiles makes its way to his face as he realizes it's you two. You hope your presences were enough to cheer him up a little after the whole ordeal of being here to collect his grandfather's remains. "Fushiguro, Y/n! You two look good."

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