how am i supposed to name this chapter anything funny

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Chapter 6

"The curse is dead," you and Fushiguro note out loud at the same time. The boy immediately recognizes the voice and snaps his head quickly to the one looking up at the building with a shaking head.

"Y/n?!" Your only response to his confused stare is the peace sign you make with your fingers as if you didn't jump out of a moving car mere minutes ago. He sighs at this, probably realizing what you did, and rubs his forehead a little. "What is it with you and Itadori not leaving when I tell you to?"

"Well I'm sorry that I care for my friend!"

"You need to rest!"

"You do too!"

"I need to wait for Itadori!"

"I want to wait for him with you!"

"Sorry to interrupt but Itadori won't be coming back," a new voice sounds from beside the two of you, words sinister coming from a smirking face. But it's not the smirk nor the familiar body that makes you realize who's speaking. It's his presence.

Sakuna walk up to your sides calmly, without a bother in the world, still smirking with evil intent. His face close to yours almost makes you flinch but Fushiguro is giving a look with your eyes still glued to each other. You can't flinch, you can't show too much weakness or you'll be blown to pieces. Thats not really your ideal way to die.

There's a pause between the three of you before Sakuna final retracts his face, eyeing your profile for a second more as he does. It gives you a moment to breathe, clinging onto Fushiguro's gaze for dear life. Not to mention, the plants in your pocket grow with every second of worry and you're desperately trying to keep them under control.

"It's his fault for switching with me without a pact," the curse says, hands not leaving his pockets.

"Y/n," Fushiguro calls with such sincerity in his voice that you can't do anything but listen to him; not that you weren't in the first place. His eyes search deep into your soul, reaching for any heartstring that will make you do as he says. "You seriously need to go."

Oh how you desperately want to say no. You want to stay and fight until you get your friend back, fight until you can all go back to school safely. Yet, his gaze is so strong - despite his closed off expression - you actually consider leaving. Unfortunately for the both of you, Sakuna disagrees with you leaving.

"No, no, let her stay. I want to see her expression when I kill her best friend." Your eyes widen and so does Fushiguro. At him calling you Yuji's best friend, you can't help but let your gaze fall on him, finally looking at the king of curses. His smirk only widens. "Oh yes, he told be about you. And it guess it must must hurt when I do this."

Just then, his raises his arm to just push it through his, Yuji's, chest with an agonizing squish. Your eyes widen as he pulls out the heart in a slow manner, as if forcing to look at it longer. "No... no!" The trees around you raise up, aiming towards the curse that is holding the heart of your best friend. "No! No!"

Sakuna just waves the trees off with the shake to his hand while you feel Fushiguro's cold hand hold on to your shoulder. The hand touching your shoulder makes you relax the slightest bit, giving you the chance to pull back your trees. Still, your eyes don't leave the grip on your friend's heart; you don't really want to see your other friend's expression either for that matter.

"I can live with this. Itadori, on the other hand, can't," Sakuna then says as he tosses the heart on the ground as if it's an annoying bug in his hand. The way he throws the heart makes your blood boil even more so much so that you consider using your technique to lunge and pick it up but the hand on your shoulder stops you. Fushiguro gives your shoulder a quick squeeze, trying to calm you down in any way at this dangerous situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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