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Chapter 4

The train comes to a holt as it reaches the station. Slowly, people line up by the door to get out, shuffling around to get as close to the door as they can without being rude. You've always liked trains in Japan. There's just something so nice about them.

Gojo walks beside you with a small smile. He hasn't said a word since he told the two other boys, Fushiguro and Itadori, to leave before you two and now you're really staring to wonder why. At first, you thought it was a bit strange but left him to do what he wants but now you're getting curious.

The first thing that you wondered was that the reason he told you that the two of you would be leaving later was because he wanted to look after you. If he knows everything, like he seems to like saying, then he might know about the time you fell onto the train tracks when you were little. How you did that on accident is a mystery with no answer. But it can't be that... right?

Unfortunately, it's something must worse to talk about. Once he's brought you to a part of the station with nobody there, he corners you with a stern look. "How long have you been seeing those black mist curses?"

The question makes you freeze. You can feel your body shiver not only at the thought of the curses but now at the thought of Gojo knowing. How could he? You don't remember telling anyone. Except maybe a couple people.

"After a nice visit with a lovely social worker, she told me all about a special patient of hers." He starts, getting the reaction of surprise from you that you think he was looking for. "She talked of a patient who just suffered the loss of her parents and was complaint about black, misty curses following her everywhere."

"They just started appearing." That's your answer but the croak in your voice gives you away.

"You and I both know that they're following you." His stare hardens a little, making it almost impossible not to look away. "And we both know why."

You're too shocked to respond. But Gojo drags you away with a beaming smile which makes it impossible to anyways.

Questions pound your head all at once but you can't let them. Instead, you focus on the two boys that look up at the both of you, them having waited for a while. Your face immediately forms a smile. It's an instinct at this point.

"Sorry for the wait!" Gojo calls out to the two. "Looks like your uniform came on time, Itadori."

At that, you put your attention on your friend's uniform. It has mostly the same stuff as all other uniforms except his has a red hood attached to it. The uniform reminds you of him in school, only a few days ago, when he constantly wore hoodies. You're pretty sure he doesn't even like hoodies that much but he finds them comfortable.

Your uniform is about the same but minus the hoodie and plus pockets. You specifically requested a pocket to stash all your plant seeds so that you could access them quickly in a fight. You don't want to have to fidget for a seed while fighting so the pocket is extremely useful. And cool.

As Gojo explains the custom factor of the uniform to Itadori, Fushiguro walks to your side. "You look shaken," he points out bluntly.

From what you can see, his eyebrows are furrowed such a little amount that if he wasn't right beside you, you wouldn't have noticed. He's only glancing at you from the corner of his eyes but you can see the slight curiosity in his eyes. It might not be concern but... you can't let this slide.

"Aww Fushiguro, you care about me," you tease, putting your hands to your cheeks and looking at him with puppy eyes. You can almost see the immediate regret of asking as he turns away with a small huff. You chuckle at his reaction. "I'm fine, just excited." You don't catch the glance he gives you as you make your way to Yuji's side to begin the walk.

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