A War Between Us

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Let's follow him to where he is going.Yes Hyde...

Leo's Pov

Damn...He is following me.What should i do.I think i should call the rest to move on without me.

I dialled Hongbin's number in my phone.He picked up the call.

Leo:Hongbin i think there's bad news...Hakyeon is following me secretly.If i won't be back before midnight.Please move on without me.

Hongbin:What!? You seriously? No we are coming down together.

Give me the phone..just give me..But but..You shut up and sit down.

Leyna: Who do you think we are going to leave a comrade behind...We are NOT leaving each other behind and that's final OK!

Leo: It's really dangerous.He could might hurt you again.Please Leyna listen to me for once.

Leyna: Hyuk wake up and trace Leo's signal now.

Hyuk: He is just 5 blocks away from the hotel!

Leo: please don't come-----

Leyna:Hello? Hello?? Leo!?

Guys...Leo is in trouble.We need to him.We need?Yes we need to,Ppali ppali!! How about we just leave him alone like he asked to.Leyna slapped Hongbin's face and even threathen him.


I didn't mean to...Fuck a distance from me.

Leo's Pov

HELLO LEO LONG TIME NO SEE SHIT FACE.Hyde laugh off with an evil presences around him.

Hey put me down..."ackkk please don't" Hyde threw Leo across to the other block.Haha threathen Hakyeon huh..You think you are the bad guy huh well i think you got the wrong info mister..You are just a full talking shit face..

Don't you ever touch my Leyna ever again you hear me.Ohhh so scary...Well well looks who's here to save the brother.

Give him back! Haha want to play hero now Leyna? You! If i have known you that you are evil i shouldn't pick you up.Why can't you be Jekyll? She so good and you are bad devilish to me and us all.

Ohh really? I finished Jekyll off just now.She's long dead.

Leo!! Why did you came? Leo please i don't want to lose you again.Ugh...Seriously i don't need your help but if you're here already let's just get our plan through.We fight through.

I need to get the poistun from somewhere,Do you think that you can fight until i come back? Sure take Hyuk with you.He would be useful.Thanks..Hyuk let's go.

Where are we going Leyna? I need to get something but we won't be reaching there till dawn.Do you think you could speed your way there? Sure why not.Did Leo told you that i'm sometime useful in your adventure?Yes he did.

In a blink of an eye.

We're here.Thanks alot.Please stay out here and keep a look out.Are you gonna be okay? Yes i will.

Leyna's Pov

It's just days ago i visited this place with him to recalled his memories but there was a secret door that revealed to a how new place.

I walked inside and tapped the secretive door which opened to an alley down below.It was dark but i manage to switched on the lights.

"Pop!" Oh man...Just as i suspected.The bulb blow up."Hyuk!" I need your help.Yes? Woah..what is this place? Ohh it's my old home with Leo.What do you need help with this time?The bulb blow up.Do you have a torch with you?No but i do have lights.Where? Can you shine it here.She waved at Hyuk.Don't tell anyone about this.O..okayy.

The alley was soon filled up with brightness from Hyuk's eyes.You have a pair of eyes full with lights?Not light but brightness of it.Ohhh.

Come shine here.He went over and shine the box.Leyna opened a bowl which fully filled with Poistun arrow.

Are you a witch? No no i'm not.Don't get me wrong.I was keeping it for safety reasons.Where did you get this hotstuffs? A place once we called home.

Okay i'm done.Let's get back to the rest.

Suddenly they came across Jekyll.

Jekyll you're alive? Yes i am..I'm afraid that our Hyde has lose control of himself.What really happened to him? Long story kiddo.

When we were at the castle with our parents.Hyde got into a really bad temper with the king.His dad made a promise to Hyde not to eat people again but since he still insisted of doing it again and again.His father banned us from coming back so he take over peoples minds for revenge of his dad.

Why banned.

Then after that he killed me off and threw me off the cliff full of water.You know right that i will be healed quickly with water.They are my sources.


Anyways we need to shut him down before he takes another victim..

He took another victim already...which is Vixx's leader Hakyeon.

Why am i getting slower and tired every minute i do.Is it because of the power he shuts you down completely?Where is that? I don't know but i've noticed a black mark on you neck.Which stated Hyde.

That devil he knew..Well i have no time left.You need to craft a tool inside of his heart and i will save Hakyeon for you.

I'm the only one who is gonna do that? Yes you...alone.Okay...Leyna sighed.

Hyuk let's go.Wait i'll transport you guys there.

Blink of an Eye again...

Have you brought the stuffs yet Leyna? It's all here.Hyuk please help them.I will with my secretive ability powers.

"KABOOMZ!"...What the hell is that!? Said Hongbin.HOLY SHIT HYUK!?

Hey i'm just doing my job.He chuckled.This is not the time for a place to laugh Hyuk.Look he is afraid of brightness.We shall give him a spark.

Leyna is it done yet?Almost!!

Hey Hyde...Did you really killed Jekyll? I did what...Do you actually think that i lied? You really did lied..but instead you are going to lie forever because you are truly a devil! Leyna said out loud so that everyone can hear.

I'M BACK HYDE. What-t....but i sure i did killed her in the mountains in... ughhh i'm so stupid..She has a source of water. Hahaha stupidity.


》》How's the story?《《

Third last chapter completed.Ahem i would like to annouce that today is the day that vixx is coming to Singapore.Maybe at night and please stay on channel 5.Vixx is apprearing in one of the shows.

Please watch it and support them very2 much.They will be staying here in SG until 30 may.Soo if any of you girls see them."You're one lucky girl!" Any ways thats all for today.

Please comment and vote!Annyeong!

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