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We were at Outcast island..What for?I thought you are free with me already?Yeaahh but our parent told us to come...It's emergency. Okaay.Did we missed anything just now?

Yes...in fact you missed alot..I was about to be in a raped with the hottest bad school boy "Luhan" and he is sitting over there but Hongbin and his gang saved me.

I thought i told you to back off from hongbin?Why are you jealous is it,Hyde?Noo~ in fact our parents from Outcast island said that they were enemies with us.Before we were born...it's Was 84 years ago.. said Jekyll.Wait that means they are not Human at all!? YES,Jekyll and Hyde said in unison.


Finally the school dismissed..

"Hey Leyna,Wanna hangout at our place?" Ask Hongbin.Uhmm No thank i'll be going home straight..Ohh you looked panic.No it's nothing.

Leyna went home then she and her parent get into a fight.

Leyna you need to know the truth now.."You were Adopted" I know truth hurts..ou need to leave.."You were not our flesh blood.." Umma that's means you are asking me to leave? "WHERE SHOULD I GO!" Leyna Shouted. That is up to you Woman.NOW PACK YOUR THINGS AND GET OUT! PLUS I'M REMARRYING A NEW TO BE HUSBAND.whatever i don't care.

I ran to my room,slammed the door and start packing all my stuffs into a one big bag and i looked around the room for my missing or left over things..There was none left on the table in the cabinet...There were none of it..I left the room and i told her off.


I went out..Now where do i go? Ooo~it' cold outside and i'm freezing..I didn't wear any extra clothes inside me and my body shivers.I walked and walked to nowhere...I'm few blocks from my home.

So lonely..I wished they were here to help me.

Don't forget that we are still here..

I know My lovelies Jekyll and Hyde.


Guys,Let's get some things from our market below? Ani...Let's go the latte Cafe further little away.Okay,Let's wear something Warm.They get themselves ready and went out to the Latte Cafe.

Hakyeon is that...--Ken got cutted off by Hongbin .."Leyna?" Yeah i think soo..Is she going off to somewhere?I don't know..Let's ask her out. 

"Leyna!" Hongbin called out her name.

Ne~ Hyung she looks so sad and lonely,Don't you think so? Yeah it's look like. Leyna,Are you off  to somewhere?Ani...She started sobbing and then cries. Hongbin came and gave her the warmest hug of all.Thank you Hongbin..Now,tell me who hurt you? My umma..She and me has a fight..She said that i was adopted and told me to Pack my things and start my life outside without her.What do i do? She cries again with her hand on her face.

Hakyeon,Should we bring her home? She look freezing,Hongbin give her some warmth."Here Leyna,Let me help you put on my jacket." So kind of you..."ACHOO!"  Mianhe Mianhe..Too cold.Oh my..Guys let's go back please..She is out cold.

Am i disturbing you guys? She asked before she passed out due to coldness and without the help of Jekyll and Hyde."Leyna!?" Quick! Wolf form.They changed and went back home in an blink of an eye.

Hakyeon pressed in the code and went in...It was really dark..Start the fire! ROVIX!! WHERE ARE YOU? I'm here master.Prepare a room for her.Yes understood master.

Leyna's Pov

SO warm..Ahh W-where am i...This place is huge...and dark..H-hello is anybody there? Then suddenly a pair of green eyes was coming to my direction. Don't hurt me please! I beg you.. Oh It's Me Leyna."Hongbin?" Where are we? Oh you are at our mansion.Welcome and make yourself comfortable.No you're not disturbing us.We're in peace with you around.

"Hongbin!" Leo called out his name. "Dinner is ready,call her down too!" "Ne!" He replied in a polite manner.Your clothes have been prepared.They are in your closet.Then come down okie.He winked which makes Leyna blushed.

Aggghhhh why can't he stop showing his killer smiles and winks...I can't stop blushing.

Woahh~ This is really nice..They are so kind.I called Jekyll and Hyde but they were no where to be found in her head and outside..

I changed into my black dress and out to dining table but it seems that i pretty much lost my way.Hello miss..Are you lost? Yes.Where are you off to? The Dining Table.Rovix showed her the way to the dining table where all the boys are at.

"Leyna!" Yes..Guys uhmm why is the place so dark? I was lost..But thanks to your service robot."Wait! It needs correction there..It's R.O.V.I.X not a Service robot." Wow! Who created it? "Me" said a voice from the kitchen.When i turned around it was Hongbin.

He showed me the killer smiles again."YAH!?" Hongbin stop showing her the killer smiles and winks,She had enough already...just by looking her face.

Hongbin looked through Leyna's eyes and and he already know it..She's immortal.By her sense and looks.

"Uhm Leyna,after we finish eating..you will be sitting the centre with us okie..We need to check something on you.What? Are you going to eat?Well you sounds like to...No we are not eatting you and beside there's something really special about you Hongbin got closer and closer and CLOSER.

Obviously...i could hear her heart beat pounding in her chest from where i stood.Leyna...He sighed.What is it? Calm down..What for? You heart beat signals me that you are terrified of us.What do you mean terrified? Well..You're kinda shaking from head to toe.

After they ate their Dinner,they sat in the centre of the living room and Leyna stood in the centre of them.

They started smelling,tasting,licking her...Omg who the heck will lick a girl? That is just disgusting.

Leyna...We have an information...You have Jekyll and Hyde right..Yes i have them both.Uhmm there's something you should know too...You're Immortal but you don't have the powers like us.You cannot be... Jeykll And Hyde can only be manage by immortals..Where as they can't be tamed by humans.

Leyna sobs by looking at her hands."I-i'm Immortal!?" I know that truth hurts but you will need to accept it no matter what happens. "Hakyeon",She starts crying.  There there..it's okay.

Hongbin looked jealous towards how Leyna hugged him.Millions of knife just stabbed Hongbin in his heart.

Hakyeon told Hongbin to take over the hug because he told so.Hongbin was quickly recovered as happy mode.

We will start developing your powers soon enough the next day.
>>How's the story?<<

What kind of powers will she be having?

Find out on the next chapter.

How's everyone?Finally next week is holiday.Just a week.Maybe i'll update for some of the books. Yesterday was raining cats and dogs.11/3/15

Please vote and comment!Annyeong!

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