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Come on...They wouldn't know where were we..Let's go to the after life together Leyna.We hold each other and together we fall into the deep blue ocean where no one will find us except the new generation ahead of us.

Good bye Earth.




Three A Decade Later...

The water was dried due to some critical earth issues.The people living at that area soon found two bodies covered with mud.They looked like sleeping..that is what people thought.

They brought them to the museum to see what they can find about the bodies.They discovered that they are Vampires.One of the museum guy said that they might have killed themselves because of a reason.How will know they are vampires,Mr? Call me Hongbin just Hongbin.A reason to save mankind and another reason of not to having the Vampires roaming around the world anymore.

A week later...

It's been last twenty years since they has been married and got two children of their own.Lee Hongbin was happy until it was time to let her go.

Hongbin's Pov

Hmmm...That's the smell of mother nature right Byunmi? Yes it is! It's really has the nice texture too it.Earl and Chul come over here.Your father needs to speak with you."Coming!"

I want you both to remember your identity until you die but do not released your Identity to the world about the truth that you are a Vampire.We gave you a life together with your brother Chul with our blood.We together are a happy family and the last of Vampirity.

Hongbin...are you sure the boys will be alright when we are no longer on earth? I'm sure they are okay.They did remembered what i said.They sure did very well listened to you.

I'm going to be off dead peacefully but you are not..You are still that young man i met 20 years ago.Please take care of Earl and Chul.Byunmi.Please live peacefully and far away from us.We will.We all kissed Byunmi good byes and she closed her eyes...and never to wake up again.Then a light shined into her coffin.

Where else Leo's and Leyna's bodies are kept in the museum still holding together as one.

One day...A school went there to have a tour in the museum and a little girl at her 8 years old.She saw us opening our eyes.She ran to her teachers saying that something had moved in the crystal transparent box.Her teacher said that she had not seen something unsual.They all walked off to the next station but this little girl knew something was off in that box.She hid the truth until then she became a researcher for Vampires and met Shane.

She doesn't know that Shane was a vampire.She starts to find clues and deeper answers about Vampires.

After Leyna's and Leo's Death.

Ravi!! What's up Hyuk? I heard Leyna and Leo died today just to save the earth and mankind.Is this true? Yes. Hongbin? He became a museum man.A keeper of meseum?Ne.Ken?? That i do not know.What the hell,you don't know?? I saw him going to the toilet 5 minutes ago before you even started talking.Really? There he is ... Ken! What is wrong with you man... Have you guys decided on where you are going next? We don't know yet..

How about travelling? The three of us?Let's go The wall of China then Paris then...etc.

Well it is planned.We will be going today.Our clothes? Hello? We are Vanpires.We don't need clothes.Soo we ae going to be nude all the way? No hello....Okok we are going back to the mansion and get some clothes.

The three of the Speeds the way to the Mansion.

At the Mansion.

Get yout things and let's get out of here.They took their items and flew off to china.

8 Hours later..

"Ahh~" Finally some fresh air said Ken.

Hyuk's Pov

What was that...I could feel some power of Hakyeon...Is he revived??Should i tell the rest? Or should i stay quiet...There is another vampire i sensed...Ava who...

Guys...I could sense Hakyeon presense in the air together with Ava....Moire?? Yes Avamoire..It cannot be..He got killed in the war 200 years ago before Leyna came to us.Hakyeon...was killed by Jekyll and he was killed together with Hyde remember... Now what do we do?,asked Hyuk.

We just move on to what's happening now and care about that later.

Hakyeon's Pov

Oh little brother...I'm so sorry to the tragic incident that has happened to you last 200 years ago.Hakyeon..I missed you.Let's concured the world together.Together? YES We are both dead now..Join me for the battle in the future.

I...I.. can't avamoire..Sorry.Brother how could you betray your own little brother who need his help?

This is wrong.We must move on and don't turn back.

》》How's the story?《《

Epilogue is coming.Each characters.

This is the end of Jekyll and Hyde BUT there is an incoming part 2 of this book! The name is Dark Princes.INTERESTED?Then check it out.

Thank you for all the unique reads and wonderful votes and all the good comments.I hope you totally enjoyed this book of my creations.

Please comment and vote!Annyeong!

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