Chapter 2 The Community

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(Amy) we walked into the community and it was very pretty the people looked friendly, the walls was high so the walkers couldn't get though they had vegetable beds, trees houses and tents buildings one was a hospital and one was a block of flats and a big waterfall right in the middle, wow I said

(Rosita) that's right wow if you guys want to settle here you can I'm sure the leader wouldn't mind new people I said walking passed the new group see ya later

(Negan) see ya I said you like it here kid? I asked Amy

(Amy) I looked up to negan yeah it's cool I nodded some kids came running up to me

(Jack) Hay I'm jack what's your name?

(Amy) I looked at the black haired boy with blue eyes I smile hello I'm Amy I smiled hiding behind negan who chuckled

(Jack) I smile its nice to meet  you and I just wanted to say thank you for saving my mum today her names dot so um thanks I hope I see you around if you decide to stay here I live over in that black house right over there I point come and knock on whenever or we could see each other around

(Negan) thanks kid she will have a good day I said he walked off, I looked down at the little girl, you OK there Amy I said to the blushing girl "y.....yeah" I laugh turning to Rick. right Rick where do we go from. Here?

(Rick) I don't know wait till they come and get us maby,

(Darly) maby we should look around see if it's secure I say to Rick

(Negan) I agree Rick you don't want something to go wrong and the whole place gets took over by the dead pricks do you?

(Rick) OK but go around easy ask questions if needed ill go to that guy luke meet back here soon

(Negan) alright kid stay here OK

(Amy) um no im coming with you i want to help please

(Negan) OK stay with me though come on, so we walked around we knocked on doors and came across what looked like a bakery I knocked on the door um hello I said but nothing HELLO!!! I shouted and a woman with gray hair came out of the kitchen "oh hello there how are you I see some new faces" she said and smiled yeah. Um I'm here with my group we've just came in and we wanted to ask if this place is secure enough for our stay and what the people are like here

(Carol) ohhh well let me start off to say my name I'm Carol I'm the baker here would you like. Some bread or a cookie for your little girl

(Amy) thank you I said picking up a cookie it was chocolate chip I bite into it and the tasted filled my mouth mmmm I said out loud

(Negan) I smile resting my hand on her head I looked back at Carol anyway so is this place secure? I asked

(Carol) oh yes it is I mean its a home and it's safe at least you aren't out there with your little girl

(Negan) I nodded yeah that's so true right come on trouble we have taken up enough of your time thank you I smile rushing out of the door and finding Rick

(luke) you are asking if it's safe? You crazy?

(Rick) um no im not we've just lost our home and we want to settle here sooo is it?

(luke) yes very safe for your group I huff go and get your group and come and meet the person in charge

(Rick) I nodded walking with him and going straight to negan come on he looked at me "come on guys" he said we walked with luke into a big house up some stairs and into a small office

(luke) boss these are the new people I was telling you about

(boss) I turn around looking at the new. People and smile hello I'm Jerry nice to meet you, you must be Rick

(Amy) I looked up at negan with sadness this man had the same mustache like Simon I huff

(Rick) hello I said shaking his hand this is my group we would like to stay here if....if that's OK the man nodded smiling

(Jerry) of course all the time you need we are family here my eyes glance to the little girl I smile and your little girl will have many other children to play with

(Rick) I smile thank you

(Jerry) luke will show you to your houses you can stay with each other or please go and say hello to the other people who live here

(Rick) I nodded we headed out from the office and into the grounds walking to our new homes maggie and Glenn was by the lake, darly was by the trees I was near negan and Amy well right next door

(Negan) I walked into our new home and it was. Pretty nice wow nice right? I asked Amy who nodded Hay  Amy I know that this place isn't going to be like the Sanctuary things are going to be different but let's try OK?

(Amy) I nodded sure I'm glad I have you though I just don't want to get comfortable until we know for sure that this place is safe

(Negan) that's why I want you to  carry your gun and knife with you OK? Just for now and Amy if anythink strange happens let me know please she nodded walking out of the living and upstairs to her room I looked around the big room and sat on the sofa I huff this could be our life now

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