How I Was Alone Flash Back

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Flash back

(Julie) hunny come here I say and held her hand tight I took her under a tree you stay here OK? I won't be long "come on juile" I kissed her cheek and ran away "MUMMY!" I hear her shout

(Amy) I stood under the tree what felt like days and it was getting cold

(Walker growls)

(Amy) I held my breath in and fear crept in my body I stood my groud I couldn't move and then it started to come near me I screamed  I ran as fast as I could away from it I never looked back I kept. Running until I looked back and it was gone and I was far away from where my mum told. Me to stay oh no I say I walked back trying to see my footprints in the mud but it was now dark after not finding the tree I started to find shelter I found an old tent I walked in and sat there hearing the dead moaning I couldn't sleep so then relized that there was food in the tent I didn't want to take. It but my tummy rumbled I huff sorry I took a bite out of the sandwich and I bite out of the cookie it tasted nice I couldn't remember my last meal if this was even a meal , I eat some grapes and then I felt tired I huff resting my head on the pillow and shut my eyes


(Amy) my eyes opened and there was a man there my heart raced um hello he turned around "oh hay" I smile my names Amy "my names Oliver" I nodded

(Oliver) you on your own?

(Amy) yes

(Oliver) I nodded. so you can go now I say I don't want any contacted with people please

(Amy) I nodded OK I stood up getting my back pack and climbing out the tent and starting to walk again. I didn't know where I was walking to,  I got it in my head that I needed to find somewhere safe and wait for my mum and dad to come and get me I seen a house I bit my lip  should I go on there? but it didn't look safe but I needed somewhere. I looked at the clouds in the sky and they was dark I huff it did look like it was going. To rain at least if I go in the house I'll be safe from the dead people and I could use some food I started to walk to the house opening the rusty door I moved my hand and it was muddy ewwww... but it did open I went. Inside looking though the house I then went down to the basement opening the door I walked down the stairs and it was very muddy I started to walk it was. Slippy and I didn't know i slipped and fell down I held my hand out as I fell I scraped my hand on some wood and my hand  was  bleeding ouch I said out loud some of the bricks from the celling was coming down oh nooo i said and they  fell on me

(Simon) after hearing the crying I ended up at the house I walked down some stairs my gun up, hello I said "help" I  walked to the child throwing some wood on the other side of the room and the celling came in oh shit I grabbed her picking her up and taking her outside I looked her over Hay do you want to come back with me?

(Amy) I looked at the man with the mustache I nodded he took me back to the truck and we was off

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