chapter 5: the lost one returns

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*alright this is the last chapter anyway let's get on with the story*

Tails's pov:

(Last time)

"Bye bye" he waved and I shot the ray gun and a bright light appeared and the light disappeared and sonic was back but something was wrong.....very wrong

He was back but he had brushes and had cuts all over his body

"Sonic!" I Screamed as I can to hug him

"Wow carefull buddy my body kinda hurts"

"Sorry but what happed to you"

Sonic's pov:

"Well let's just say someone wasn't very nice" I said I didn't wanna tell them about 'him'

"Sonic don't try to lie we know about you dad" amy said with a worried face

"Wha... how?" I said confused how did find out about my dad I never told anyone

"Your past self told tails and he told us about it" knuckles

"Past self?"

"Yeah you and your past self swapped so he was here and that's not the only thing he told us"

"What else did he tell u guys?"

"He showed me your mom and siblings and is it true are you....... the lost Prince"

"Ok he spilled way to much but yeah I am in fact the lost Prince"

"Alright shadow can you grab the metkid it's in my workshop and knuckles help me put sonic on the couch"

"Sure" shadow said and ran out the door to tails's workshop

"Coming" knuckles said as he picks me up and gently puts me on the couch. shadow then comes back gives tails the metkid and tails starts to help me

"So why did you not fight back faker" shadow asked

"I don't really know I just got so many flash backs about this that I was just frozen. Also how did you guys get me back?" I answered and asked

"We used the ray gun eggman used and reversed it" rouge explained

"And how did you get the ray gun?" I asked

"Well uhhh don't get mad past you said you wouldn't get mad but we uhhh.... traded a chaos emerald for it" amy said nervous

"Well I guess past me was right I don't really care how I just wanted to get out of that hell" I said everyone except shadow was relieved at that answer

"Ok I'm done" tails said

"Thanks bud" I said

"Anytime sonic" tails said back with a smile

"So are you planning to go back to your mom and siblings or are you gonna stay here?" rouge asked

"I think its time to see my family again shads do you mind teleporting us all to the qweens castle or well my moms castle?"

"Only this time just because of what you went through" Shadow said pulling out a chaos emerald

"Thanks shads"i said and we all hold hand


We then teleported to the entrance of the castle two guards were guarding de castle

"Halt why are you here"

"I'm the queen's son pls let me and my friends in"

"Wait here" one of the guards said running in side the castle and he later comes back

"You can go in but only you if you are in fact the lost Prince your friends can come in too"

"Thanks cya later guys wait here ok"

"Ok cya sonic" tails said and I walked in. some guards brought me to my mom

"Hello your highness" I said bowing down

"What's your name"

"Olgilvie Maurice the hedgehog"

"Hmm what are my name and my children's names"

"Your name is Aleena and your daughter is named Sonia and your son Manic"

"Wow he knows our name bro" manic said

"I could be him" Sonic said

"What are your fears and why do fear them"

"I'm afraid of water because I can't swim"

"Last question what's my husbands name only my son knows that since he disappeared so long ago"

"Jules....his name is Jules"

"It's actually you" mom said in tears

"Long time no see mom you too lil sis and lil bro" i said opening my arms for hugs that i quickly got (sonic is the oldest in my au Sonia= 13 and Manic=12)

"Where have you been big bro" Manic asked

"Just been hanging with my friends saving the world form egghead speaking of friend mom do you mind letting my friend in there still waiting at the gates"

"Of course my son wait ok"

"Thanks mom"

"Yo your a hero?" Manic said with stars in his eyes

"Yeah i am a hero together with my friends"

"What happed to you?" Sonia asked

"Wha....oh yeah I travelled to the past and well..........I met dad again and it wasn't a very fun experience"

"I can understand that" Manic said

"Hey sonic!" Tails said coming in

"Hey buddy and hey everyone" I said waveing at them

"Isn't your name Olgilvie" Manic asked

"It is but i go by the name sonic the hedgehog btw these are my friends tails, amy, knuckles, rouge and my rival shadow"

"Cool I'm Manic sonics younger brother"

"And I'm Sonia sonics younger sister"

"Nice to meet yall" knuckles said

"Hi" tails said

"Hello" amy said bowing

"Hello there cuties" rouge said

"Hello I guess" shadow said looking away

"Amy you don't have to bow down"

"Come on sonic your royalty why not" amy said standing normal again

"But I'm also your friend pls just don't"

"Alright sonic-ku"

"Pfff 'sonic-ku' lol" Manic said laching at the nickname

"Shut up manic" Sonia said

"Make me" Manic said

"Kids, kids don't fight" mom said walking in

"Yes mom" Manic and Sonia said giving eachother the death stare

"Why don't we talk over all this with some tea" mom said

"Sure we would love to" tails said

We told what happened to me and all of our adventures and stuff like that later my friends went home and I stayed at the castle and lived there with my family


*yay second book finished now I can start writing the other book again cya later :)*

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