The Blood

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Wednesday's POV

As I got into the woman's car I got hit with the scent of fast food and it made me think of how Enid loves McDonalds, which made my throat clench with emotion.

"Alright honey let me put the directions in my phone and we'll be on our way. My name is Ronda by the way, I know your wife is Enid but who are you exactly?" She asked sweetly.

We started off down the road and I could barely feel myself talking. "I'm Wednesday." The trees flashed by us while Ronda definitely drove a significant amount of speed higher than the speed limit.

I kept calling Enid but there were no answers and no texts back.

"So tell me how you guys met. I know it's hard to talk about her right now but let's think of the good" she said. "What if.." I trailed off.

"Don't go thinking about the what if's Wednesday. Right now we are in the car driving to your house so you can be with her and go to the hospital. So talk to me about the good."

Taking a deep breath in and finally leaning back into the seat, I told her all about our adventures in Nevermore and beyond graduating.

"I never had a connection to anyone before I met her, and she was the last person I'd ever guess I would fall in love with. But nothing was bad between us. Nothing compares to her. I am worried about her safety right now, if she doesn't make it out... I don't think I'd be able to keep living."

Ronda put her hand over mine reassuringly. "You told me about how she saved your life and all I have to say is I'm glad you're still here. The world needs you Wednesday."

We arrived at my house and I ran in while Ronda stood in the front yard. "Enid! Enid I'm here!" I yelled and frantically looked around the rooms.

She wasn't in the house and the only trace of her I found was the blood spots in the bedroom leading to the bathroom and random areas around the house.

I ran out to Ronda panicking again but without saying anything she helped me into the car again and we drove in silence to the hospital.

I burst into the ER and ran to the front desk. "Enid Addamsinclair" I blurted out to the woman in complete peril. "Is this someone you're looking for in the emergency room or is it you?"

"My wife, please tell me where she is" I said out of breath. She nodded and typed away in her computer then handed me a post it note with her room number. "Down the hall and to the right."

I dashed through the halls and kept darting my eyes between the post it and the different room numbers until finally I came across hers. There was a big curtain for privacy covering her bed and I could feel my legs starting to give out beneath me.

My breath and voice felt like they were gone as I brought myself a foot closer to the curtain. "Enid..?" I croaked out. "Weds... is that you?"

I opened the curtain to see her pale face even whiter than normal and dark circles under her eyes. "My love, my beautiful girl" I said starting to cry again and rushed to her bedside.

She lightly lifted her arms for a hug but I crawled right into the bed with her, like the time I had after she got attacked. "Angel tell me what happened" I said and curled my body against hers.

I stroked her hair and closed my eyes to breathe her in again. "Well if you didn't pay so much attention to me you would've seen" she weakly said with a shaky breath and had trouble breathing.

I sat up gently and looked at her confused and my face dropped. "Is the baby.." I didn't even want to think about it but looked down at her empty stomach.

She grabbed my cheek and turned my head to the side, and there I saw her for the first time. Laying peacefully in a clear box for oxygen and IV fluids was our daughter who was sleeping like nothing was wrong.

Enid started to cry when I looked back at her with my mouth open and gave me a smile. "Go to her Weds" she whispered and laid her head back.

Enid didn't look well at all and I took a full look at her. She wasn't breathing properly and she couldn't hold herself up, she could barely talk and her eyes closed ready to fall asleep.

Even so, I had to go see our daughter for the first time. I kissed Enid's forehead and slowly walked to our baby and squatted down to have a full look.

She was very small and her hands didn't even look real but she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I couldn't look away, I was in a daze and felt my heart ache knowing I couldn't hold her yet.

My hand rested on the clear box trying to feel her and touch her for the first time. "Enid she's beautiful" I cried and looked back at her.

She didn't have the energy to say anything or open her eyes but her finger lifted to signal she was still awake. I got back into the bed with her and stroked her arms and chest lightly.

"I'm glad you're here" she eventually said and fell asleep right after saying that. I rested my head on her shoulder and said "me too."

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