15- I can't- please stop

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Dream was downstairs in the sitting room to let George sleep upstairs by himself to get some rest before his phone buzzed from beside him slightly making him jump because of the quiet room.

Hey dream I'm sorry to do this but can you please come sapnap isn't right

In what way is he not right.

He's just really down idk I'm standing outside now and I don't know if I can go back in I'm too scared.

Alright Karl I'll tell George I'm going now please remember the breathing we talked about, and try have water ok I'll be there in a second.

Thank you dream. Please hurry.

He ran up the stairs and into his room to see George in his hoodie twisted in blankets. "Hey baby" he said as George slowly woke up "I have to go to sapnap ok I'll be back in a few hours alright babe" dream said and George groaned in response dream kissed George's cheeks before walking out of the apartment locking it behind him.

He got in his car and drove to the hospital he wasn't thinking he didn't realize how vague Karl was about sapnap or how he had no idea what he might find it's a common thing to happen to him when something serious needs to happen it takes all his focus and he doesn't think about what he is doing.

The rest of the drive went by quickly as dream wasn't thinking about what he was his body just seemed to take him there and not know how it got there.

(Completely platonic)
when he arrived and stepped out of his car. he saw Karl on a bench outside his legs were bouncing up and down and he had his head in his hands slow tears falling onto the ground softly as small sobs and whimpers and fast breathing escaped his mouth. "Hey Karl can you hear me" dream said walking up and crouching infront of him Karl lifted his head to look and him and nodded "I know this is hard for you ok" dream said and rubbed Karl's legs trying to get him to calm down

"It's ok Karl you're ok" dream said "it's not ok I f-feel l-like I'm f-failing as h-his partner I can't help h-him without p-panicking and I p-promised I would help a-and I don't w-want him to be mad at me" Karl sobbed through his his cries and breathing "it's alright Karl it's ok you can't control this ok he's not going to be mad" dream said.

Karl chocked on his breath and started sobbing harder dream wrapped his arms around his shoulders as the terrified boy cried into his neck. "I'm going to go up and see him you don't need to come if you don't want to" dream said "ok but can you stay here for a second" Karl asked and dream nodded "he's not mad at you I promise you have done nothing". Dream said.

Karl calmed down enough so dream let go "how do you always know how to calm me down" Karl asked "oh em George has them aswell allot and I just figure out what works in the moment" dream said and Karl sadly smiled "how is George by the way" Karl asked "oh em I don't know he's asleep for all I know now and he I don't really know he's been throwing up allot but nothing really else" dream said "oh" Karl said the two man stood quiet until Karl spoke again.

"I don't think I can go back in there I can't stand seeing him like this for now anyways" Karl said and dream nodded again before walking into the hospital and up to sapnaps room. He placed his hand on the door handle before opening the door not sure what he'll find inside.

Sapnap was beside a wall his hands ran down his face to reveal his distraught red face his mouth slightly open he looked completely terrified "make it stop please m-make it stop" he spoke at the wall infront of him. He closed his eyes his breathing was pretty much a mixture of pants, sobs and chokes.

"Oh my god please stop no I don't like it stop" he sobbed and curled his knees further into his chest backing up against the wall.

Dream walked over and crouched down infront of him "sapnap?" He spoke putting his hands on his shoulders "dream!, Please make it stop" he screamed "I'm scared please help" dream said "I fucked up I know I'm sorry please go away" sapnap said dream began to stand up but sapnap pulled him down again "sapnap what's going on are you hurt" dream said he felt tears of fear well up in his own eyes. Sapnap shook his head violently "I keep seeing it" sapnap said "what do you see sapnap" dream asked rubbing his sides "I'm at the edge of the bridge it keeps bringing me back."

Dream understood now sapnap was having flash backs from the event "it's alright look at me ok, breathe in and out alright in and out I know it's hard" dream said before sapnap collapsed in his arms sobbing again. "Sh sh sh it's ok I'm here ok" dream said in his ear as sapnap cried, dream held sapnap tighter as tight as he could "you alright sap" he said "ye-yes" sapnap cried "I want to go home I hate it here" sapnap sobbed again "I know you do I'll ask the nurse when you can ok I will only leave when I have to ok then Karl will be here alright you won't be alone". Dream said and he held the tops of sapnaps quivering hands. "Can you breathe" dream asked "kind off" sapnap sobbed again. "Ok just keep taking deep breaths for me alright in and out that's it well done"

They heard the door briefly open and then another set of small sobs "Karl!" sapnap said sounding kind of relieved to see his boyfriend "sapnap I'm sorry I left you I really shouldn't have I'm sorry please don't be mad" he cried wiping his eyes with his sleeves "I'm not mad at you baby I know that probably scared you I'm sorry" sapnap said Karl came closer and the two hugged Karl on top and sapnap on the bottom Karl kissed sapnap forehead and sapnap gave him a slow peck on the lips. Dream smiled watching his two best friends before he remembered his own boyfriend at home alone, sick, and scared, he whispered "hey I might need to go now I'm just worried about George but I'll be back tomorrow".

---------------time skip bc I'm lazy--------------

"Hey sweetheart" dream said walking next to George "hey" he said groaning awake "how do you feel" dream asked his hand over George's forehead "emm" george said "alright I guess" George replied "did you throw up again" dream asked sitting next to George in bed "n-no" George, now he was awake all of his memories came back to him his tears started to form in his eyes and fall down his face "what's wrong sweetheart" immediately taking notice "I'm fine" George said wiping his eyes "George, you can talk to me you're not fine" dream said getting increasingly more worried "DREAM IM FINE!" he said getting up and storming out of the room and and into his car in the carpark below. He didn't want to be there he didn't want dream to see him cry again and make him look into his simathetic eyes he was pretty much ugly crying on the way back to his house not noticing most of the drive because he had done it so many times.

He pulled into his driveway wiping his eyes before unlocking the door and storming inside "George, GEORGE!? Tommy said standing and running over to george "come here" he said hugging him "it's alright mate it's ok your safe now" tommy said assuming clay did something to him. George broke off and running up the stairs to his room and slamming the door. The taller followed him upstairs going into tubbo's room before because he better at comforting "George can we come in please" tommy asked "George we just want to talk" tubbo said "GO AWAY" he yelled the two outside looked at each other before walking away giving George his space for a bit. 'oh my god oh my god" George said pacing his room flicking his wrist to try to get himself to calm down.

'what is wrong with me' I thought 'why did I do that to dream he probably hates me' 'he has so much else to deal with right now oh my god' he went into his bathroom and started searching through a box uglying crying again before he pulled out a small silver, sharp blade he stared at the tip how good it will feel to have to have it scrape across his skin.

"No I can't I can't ruin 4 months clean" he said out loud to himself "no no no no George you can't" he dropped the razor and walked out of the bathroom into his room and slumped against his bed he put his head in his hands and sobbed historically into them.

'what is wrong with me" his head was spinning again he felt terrible thoughts were pounding in his brain.

Jeez 3 panic attacks in one chapter that has to be a record right.

Words 1602

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