Chapter 1: Odd.

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Mumbo wake up and decide that he should prank his lovely neighbours, Mr.Goodtimewith Scar! Because really, when was the time pranking Scar in his life has never been a good day?

Except maybe there is something wrong with that statement, something... Odd. Today is definitely a weird day.

All was good and normal day, Mumbo casually walked out of his Vault, until two things caught his attention. One, there is a HUGE Boulder in front of his starter base, that is certainly wasn't there before. Two, Scar is also there, inspecting and seemingly interested with the giant tree sprouting out of the boulder.

What a strange, totally not ominous looking boulder. Pretty sure a hermit forgot to tell Mumbo that they're neighbor with him and Scar now. Even if whoever made it IS a hermit, Mumbo, can't seem to recognize who made it.

How odd.

“You sure this isn't one of your prank?” Scar turned around when he saw him approaching, raising an eyebrow. Expecting Mumbo to laugh it off, saying he already guessed it or something, anything. Mumbo didn't, he kept silent, typing into his communicator.

“No, Scar. If anything, I would've choose something more ... Mechanical, not a literal shop!” Even if those can probably lure you into a trap. He break the intense silent, shoving the previous prank intention off the non-existant window in his mind. Idea for later. Someone had beat him into it after all. Mumbo placed his communicator back after making sure nobody claimed to make the strange boulder.

“Well, whoever made it MUST be a hermit.” Scar continued, wheeling his chair to take a look inside. Couple of chest piled up to each other selling all kinds of wood and plank.

Of course it must be a hermit, who else would inhabited their world? Xisuma would make sure of that. That every seed world they decide to jump over the next season were new, untouchable land.

Mumbo step forward, looking at it from up and down. It's like any normal rock, minus the weird giant tree growing it's root on top of it, moss and glowberry made a cozy home on the lovely stone, as well as the vines.

He peek over the two-block tall entrance, and a sense of familiarity strike him. A beating pace, buzzing on his skin. He look up, and saw what he can only describe as a beating heart. Hanging in a ceiling is something in the shape of a real human heart, made out of muscle and flesh. Except the skin was clear, it's colour remind him of a prismarine instead of the flesh, pinky red.

Faintly, he can see shadow moving up and down, possibly a conduit. He does have a breathing, living base on the previous season, and conduit is a great way to add actual beating effect into it. So, whoever Hermit that decide to make this shop, somehow knows how to turn prismarine into flesh like texture, and still activated the thing.

“Oh hey, these place sells pretty good stuff.” Scar distracted him from the artificial heart, the man already shopping around the chest placing diamond, namely buying wood for that tree he called ‘starter base’.

“You—Scar wait! You can't just brought stuff from ominous looking shop—” that appeared in one night. Mumbo hastily walked toward the man.

“Relax. Aren't that just normal, hermit shenanigans?” He laughed in return, but seeing the visible discomfort in Mumbo's face, shut whatever teasing plan he have. “But yeah, this place kinda give me the creepy vibe. Better leave before the ominous boulder eat us!” He saw Mumbo relax soon after, offering his help to scout him out.

Looks like it's not only him who feel the overwhelming feeling.


Hermits are weird. Xisuma thought he knew how his player are, always breaking the world's limit every once in a while. Three Wither within close proximity? Normal, a hole that bore down the earth even through bedrock? Infinite item? Nether portal made out of copper? More often than you thought!

What else next, someone made dragon as their pet? Xisuma would be enlightened to see what they'd come up with this time around.

But during the start of this new, season 9, something felt... Off. Not in the Hermit kind of way, but in... Overwhelmingly threatening kind of way. Just like season 8, when the moon start to grow bigger.

It's like tumor in his system. He know something has shifted on their server, but it's so glass-transparent, that he couldn't pinpoint the problem. Something out of his control, possibly growing and moving out of his radar, something he couldn't anticipated, until it's too late.

“Sheshwam?” Soft, worried voice perk up his attention, Xisuma turn around to see Keralis, standing on the doorway. “You alright? I called you a few time, and you look at your admin panel as if your visor will magically shot laser beam through it.”

He blinked, and then turn his attention to that said panel. Right. He's checking the server's statistic. Shutting off the holographic screen full of those valuable code information, Xisuma stood out from his seat.

“Sorry, I think I've been working a little bit too hard on checking the server's condition.” He apologized, Keralis raised an eyebrow. Ah, crap.

“a little bit too hard? Sheshwammy you didn't even bother to covered up your lies, I know at least you stay up 5 more hour last night.” There is amusement in his voice. How was he such a derp? Keralis can read him like an open book. Of course he know what he meant “little” can range from the real little to ‘only in his dictionary’ little. But then the man's brows furrowed, gone as well the calm atmosphere. “But i supposed I can't really blame you, X.”

Xisuma wide his eyes at the name. “You feel it too, then?” It's not only him being paranoid?

Unfortunately, Keralis shook his head, conflicted. “I suppose your ‘paranoia’ was right this time around. Glitch like me can easily spotted something wrong, even if it's just a small presence.” He reach down to grab something out of his inventory, what he grip in his hand is a rectangular block, almost identical to smartphone. The communicator. “Right, I was going to asked you about this matter specifically, actually. In case you haven't seen the message.”

Xisuma peek closer, seeing various message of global chat swarming away his vision, but focusing to one message that Keralis had marked for him.

Mumbo: Did anyone made a shop in a shape of a strange, rock?

Doc: I saw what you meant, what's wrong with it?

Scar: oh it's a unique one! Thanks to the concerningly accurate depiction of a real human heart it has.

Doc: what.

—To Be Continued

Don't expect much, really. But I have enough brainrot of this to NOT just, made entirely different story from different fandom with different languages.

Let's hope I can continue this, oh someone's gonna be really mad at me...

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