The Spirits Conversation

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In the spirit world Agni was walking through a field of fire lily's they were in full bloom that day,the breath causing them to bob their heads ever so slightly to think that such a beautiful sight could be created on the same land where a wild fire once raged was a true wonder but what could he say, life always finds a way.

"Agni" he heard his name and turned around and was met by a spirit with long white hair that flowed around her ,deep but bright blue eyes that shone in the Sun ,skin as pale as milk ,dressed in shades of blue and white "hello Tui I would have brought a gift if I knew you were going to visit  today" Tui was his sister ,but he was the Sun and she was the moon which is why never got to see each other often "Agni my beloved brother I want to make a request" "Tui what is your request I will see what I can do to fulfill it" Tui took a deep breath and spoke "brother will you please give me one of your children?" "Tui.....where did this request come from?You know what would happen if they found a water bender in the fire nation they could be killed or imprisoned!" Tui looked down a look of sadness washed over her  "please brother just one child the fire nation has taken so much from me and my children already....please just one" "Tui I-" "Agni" once again Agni turned around to face the other spirit who had just joined them he had dark black hair that almost seemed to suck in all the light around them ,eyes as dark and blue as the oceans depths stared back at him the spirit placed a hand on Tuis shoulder "Tui and I have suffered because of this war we don't blame you for it ,but we would like one of your children just one and we will not ask again" Agni still looked unsure about the idea so the spirit continued "if it makes you feel better we are not asking for you to not give this child your gift we would never ask that of you but we are simply asking if we may bless one of your children as well they would be one with water ,one with the sea.The greatest water bender the world has ever seen ,and do not worry about the child's death me and Tui will keep an eye on him for you giving him a little push in the right direction when it's needed." ".....alright I will give you one of my children La but please, take care of them" "of course" Tui seemed to glow brighter than before at his words "oh thank you brother thank you you have no idea how much this means to me you don't have to worry about the child I'll take good care of them I swear!" 

Agni suddenly heard the cry of a new born baby and smiled "Tui,La how would you like to meet the child now?" They both nodded and Agni lead the way to the new born .....which was in the fire nation palace.....oh dear.They fazed through the walls of the palace and found themselves in an almost empty room with a big four poster bed in the middle and on that bed was a woman Ursa was her name she was Ozais wife though there didn't seem to be much love between them or any at all for that matter. "Please Agni bless my son please save him..."  Ursa rasped with a weak voice Tui was about to step forward a happy expression on her face at the sight of the child when suddenly the rooms doors burst open the fire lord and his son ozai walked in. "Father will this child be a strong bender like we had hoped?" Said Ozai with a scowl on his face that seemed to always be present.The fire lord took one look at the child before sneering "no my son it seems we were wrong it seems haveing a child with the avatars great grandfather didn't creat a great bender like we had hoped...." He snapped his fingers at the guards positioned at the doors "lock  him up" "WAIT PLEASE NO!!!WE CAN TRY AGAIN!!!IM SURE THE NEXT CHILD WE HAVE WILL BE STRONGER IM SURE OF IT JUST PLEASE DONT TAKE HIM!!!" "Very well then Ursa you have one more chance to redeem yourself" said the fir lord before leaving the room with Ozai following close behind.The door closed with a bang.Tears fell from Ursas face as she cradled her so  "Zuko I will name you Zuko".Tui approached then while La glared at the door.She looked at Zuko and smiled as he tried to grab her braids "you'll be a great waterbender little one I just know it" she said while booping his nose. "Come on Tui we have stuff to attend to at the oasis" said La "Coming!" And then Agni was left alone in the room looking down at Zuko a smile on his face.The child had golden eyes just like him.

That night Tui made all the water stop running whenever the firelord or Ozai were around while pointing her middle finger at them.

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