15 years later

409 5 12

(Note: this was released on April 2nd for a good reason, to avoid any April fools day jokes or confusion so I apologize if this wasn't released on April 1st 

Since I did state it would come out on April)

*we cut to a news reel* 

Narrator: in a stunning turn of events a superhero is being sued, for saving someone who apparently didn't want to be saved

the plaintiff Chandler McCann who was foiled from his attempted suicide by Coregirl, has filed a lawsuit against the famed heroine in superior court 

*we cut to a lawyer* 

Chandler's Lawyer: Mr McCann didn't asked to be saved, Mr McCann didn't want to be saved and the injures received from Coregirl's "Actions" cause him great daily pain- 

Coregirl: *Angry* HEY I SAVED YOUR LIFE! 

Chandler: you didn't save my life, you ruined my death! 


Coregirl's Lawyer: my client has no further comments at this time 

Narrator: five days later, another suit was filed for the victims of the Los Angles train accident, Coregirl's court losses costed the government millions and opened the floodgates for dozens of superhero lawsuits the world over 

Judge: it is time for the secret identity to become their only identity, time for them to join us or go away 

*we see Coregirl Leave an interview as we cut to a protest* 

Narrator: under tremendous public pressure, and the crushing financial burden of an ever mounting series of lawsuits, The government quietly initiated the superhero relocation program. 

The Supers will be granted amnesty from responsibility for pass actions, in exchange for the promise to never again resume here work, where are they now? 

They're living amongst us, average citizens average hero's, quietly and anonymously continuing to make the world a better place

*we cut to a paper being stamped denied* 

Old Man: denied your denying my claim! I don't under I have full coverage 

*we see an older Marcy looking depressed* 

Marcy: I'm sorry Mr Grouse, but our liability is spelled put in paragraph 17. It states clearly- 

*she hears her phone ring* 

Marcy: excuse me, *answers the phone* client Marcy Boochuy-Wu 

*we see an older Anne giving their 15 month old daughter a bath in the sink* 

Anne: I'm calling to celebrate a momentous occasion, we've now officially moved in! 

Marcy: yeah that's great honey, but why is this one in the last three years doesn't count? 

Anne: because I've finally unpacked the last box now it's official hahaha, why do we have some much junk Mar-Mar? 

Marcy: listen Anne honey, I've got a client 

Anne: say no more, go save the world at one policy at a time, oh! I gotta go pick up the kids from school see ya tonight 

Marcy: bye honey *puts the phone down* excuse me, where were we 

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