Baths and tantrums

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little:George <3

caregiver:Dream <3

nini=night night(sleep)

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George was currently on the couch,watching his favorite cartoon.he started to get sleepy and Dream seemed to notice.He went over to the couch,moving Georges hair from his forehead and kissing his head.

"you wanna go nini sweetheart?" Dream cooed,rubbing the mentally smallers upper arm.

george just nodded,rubbing his eyes with his hands.

Dream awed at the adorable sight and picked up George,placing him on his hip and going upstairs.

George had been frustrated all day,he was on the verge of breaking down.

Dream went into the bathroom,placing George on the counter.

"you can go nini after you have a bath,okay?"Dream said,turning on the facuet.

"wanna go nini now." George sassily said as he crossed his arms.

"George,you need to have a bath first,honey. it'll be really quick,okay?"

"No!no bath,don't wanna" George slammed his hand on the counter,starting to become frustrated again.

"hey,inside're being bad.just le-"

"don't wanna bath!!"George shouted,kicking his feet.

"George!stop it,just have one quick're being really naughty right now."

"don't wanna bath daddy"Georges eyes started to water,on the verge of breaking down.

"i know baby,but you have to,it'll be quick,pinky promise." Dream moved georges hair out of his forehead.

"don-h wannaa!"George whined,kicking his hands up and down as tears started to esacpe.

"George,honey please it's okay,it's just a bath"Dream said as he wiped Georges tears.

"No!!"George jumped off the counter,ran into the bedroom and plopped down on the bed.

Dream groaned "George.." He followed George,into the bedroom.George was in the bed,sobbing.Dream didn't know he'd get this worked up over a bath.

"George,it's okay"Dream tried to scoop George closer to him,but george whined and pushed Dream's hands off,putting his head back on the pillow.his sobs were becoming louder and Dream realised it's been a bit dince George took a proper breath.

"George,it's okay,just take deep breaths honey,come on."Dream placed George in his lap.This time George didn't push him away,he just cried in his caregivers arms.

"Shh,my poor're just a fussy baby,aren't you?" Dream slightly swayed back and forth,trying to calm down his little.George slowly started to calm down,now sniffing and hiccuping.

"i don't wanna bath daddy"George said,playing with the strings of Dream's hoodie.

"i know baby,but you have can have bubbles,or whatever you want,m'kay?"

George groaned and clung onto Dream,hinting that he was ready to be picked up.Dream smiled and stood up with the boy,walking to the bathroom.he turned off the water and put bubbles in it.he helped George out of his clothes and picked him up,placing him in the bath.George sniffed and rubbed his eyes,letting out a shaky breath.

"owh sweetheart,it's alright,see,it's not so bad is it?" George shook his head and Dream smiled,kissing the littles forehead.he washed George and picked him up,dried him off and dressed him up in comfy clothes.

"can we go nini now?"George asked,looking up at Dream with doe eyes.

"yes we can honey,let's go" he picked George up and carried him into the bedroom,sitting down on the bed.George got under the covers,Dream following after.George immediately cuddled up to his caregiver,resting his head on Dream's chest.

"need paci daddy" Dream got Georges pacifier and put it between his lips,George taking it from him and sucking on it.Soon enough,George started to let out soft snores and Dream smiled,kissing his cheek and falling asleep aswell.


not proof read.

you can comment requests under any post,so far this is the only one.

i'll try to update daily,but i might not be able to since i have other stories aswell

hope you enhoyed! <3

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