Two daddies

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Requested by:localsmuttwriter

Little:George <3

Caregiver/s:Dream,sapnap <3

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George had been really fussy today,and Dream just couldn't calm him down.he's been crying back and forth,Dream has tried everything,but he wouldn't calm down for more than 20 minutes.

"shh,it's okay baby,calm down."Dream was trying to calm George down for what seemed like the millionth time today.George was in Dream's lap,sobbing with his face in his chest.Dream was rubbing his back,swaying back and forth.

"shh,oh my poor're just so fussy today,aren't you?it's okay,it's okay,shh,Daddy's right here honey"

George whined,clinging onto Dream's shirt tightly.eventually,George calmed down,now sniffling and hiccuping in his caregiver's arms.

"do you want some juice honey?" George nodded and Dream kissed his forehead,getting up to get George's juice.he got George's juice out of the fridge and walked over to him.George felt like crying again but he was trying not to,wiping his tears with his sleeves.

Dream felt bad for the boy.he didn't want to cry,he's just a baby,he's sensitive.

"oh honey.."Dream put his juice down,picking up George.George started to cry again,whining because of how tired he was.

"it's okay sweetheart,it's okay"Dream sighed,also getting tired.

Sapnap walked downstairs and looked over at them

"is he seriously still crying?"

Dream gave him a look,as to keep his mouth shut.

George looked over at sapnap and whined,making grabby hands at him.Dream smiled while sapnap just loooked confused.

"he wants to be with you,sap"Dream walked over to sapnap and put George in his arms.George stopped crying.sapnap just stood there,not knowing what to do.

"what do i do?"sapnap whispered

"just treat him like he's your own kid.just keep in mind,he's a baby"

sapnap nervously nodded.he's never taken care of George,Dream's always the one who does that.he looked at George,his eyes were closed and his thumb was in his mouth.

"im gonna take a nap,i've been trying to get him to sleep for hours"Dream went upstairs,going to sleep.

George had already fallen asleep,so sapnap just sat down on the couch with George in his hands.He turned on a movie with low volume and started watching it.

right before the movie finished,George started to stir and slowly wake up.his eyes fluttered open,groaning and rubbing his eyes.

"hey baby,how did you sleep?"sapnap whispered,rubbing George's back.

he'd never taken care of George before,yes,but he's seen Dream do it a dozen times.

"good"George mumbled,putting his head back on sapnap's chest.

sapnap smiled,kissing the boy on his forehead.he turned on another movie,waiting for Dream to wake up.

eventually,Dream woke up,going downstairs.sapnap was dozing off while George was played with his hoodie strings.he awed at the sight,drinking a glass of water before walking over to pick George up.

"thank you,so much"he said as he picked George up.

"it's fine,all he did was sleep" Sap smiled and Dream smiled back,although their smiles quickly dropper when George started whining.

"oh,no no baby what's wrong?"Dream asked,moving side to side.

"sappy"George whined,making grabby hands at sapnap.

Dream smiled and handed George to sapnap.Sapnap shushed him,rubbing circles on his waist.Dream started to walk away but George quickly shot up,grabbing his shirt

 "no,don't leave daddy"George politely asked. 

"aw,you want us both honey?"Dream cooed and George nodded,sniffling. "okay baby,you can have us both."Dream  sat down on the couch next to sapnap,George sitting in between them.he was holding onto sapnap,and Dream and Sapnap were both holding onto the boy.soon enough,they all feel asleep in each other's warmth.Guess George has two daddies now  :) 


Not proof read.

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hope you enjoyed :)

i'll do requests and my own uploads as soon as i can since i have school <3

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