Scraped knees

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requested by: localdnfshipper

Little: George <3

Cargiver: Dream <3

* * *

George had been upset all day because he didn't get enough sleep,so Dream decided to take him to the park in hopes of cheering him up.Dreams hopes were successful.George was happily running around the park,playing with his toys,giggling and jumping around.everything was going great.

"daddy look,i can climb high!" George yelled as he climbed the robes,showing off to Dream.

"yeah,that's really impressive honey,just be careful okay?"

"yea!" George continued to climb the ropes,happy with his accomplishment.

he giggled when he got to the very end,completing his mission.he turned around to get down,but all of a sudden he lost his balance and fell.

Dream rushed up from the bench,running over to the boy on the ground.

"ow" George cried out,sitting down holding his knee.tears started to leave his eyes as he pressed down harder into his knee.

"can you please let me take a look at your ouchie baby?" Dream asked,resting his hand on Georges other knee.

George slowly let go of his knee,showing Dream his injury.Dream smiled as it was just a little scrape,but George was a baby,he was scared and his pain tolorence was lower.

"it's okay baby,let's go home and daddy will help your ouchie" Dream picked him up,carrying him over to the car.

luckily,their house was just a few minutes away,so they got there quick.Dream picked up the crying boy,bringing him inside.he sat him down on the counter,getting a disinfection spray and a big bandaid.

"this will hurt a little bit,okay?" 

George nodded as he sniffled.

Dream put the spray on a piece of cotton,rubbing it on Georges scrape.

George flinched,wincing "ow daddy.hur's!" he whined,holding onto Dreams shoulder.

"i know baby,i know but this will make it better,okay?can you handle it for a few seconds my brave boy?"

George hesitated,but nodded.he trusted Dream,more than anyone.

Dream continued to rub the spray on Georges scrape as George clutched onto his shoulders.he put some numbing cream on it,covering it with the big bandaid.

"there you go,all done!good job baby boy,you were so brave" 

"it was scary daddy" George mumbled

"aww baby,i you need anything honey?" Dream asked,rubbing Georges forearm.

George nodded "huggies and kiss"

Dream smiled and picked George up "well then,you're gonna get lots and lots of huggies and kises!"

he sat down on the couch with the 'wounded' boy in his lap.he hugged the boy close,making him let out a squeaky sound out of excitement.Dream grabbed Georges hand,kissing it.the boy giggled,holding out his cheek.Dream smirked as he kissed Georges cheek,starting to kiss him everywhere.George giggled as Dream kissed all over his face,making him forget all about his knee.Dream placed one more kiss on his nose,leaving George with a big smile on his face.Dream relaxed and layed back into the couch,cuddling with the boy in comfortable silence.George closed his eyes as he rested his head on Dreams chest,forgeting all about his 'injury' after Dream showered him in affection.


not proof read.

you can request in the 'requests' part!

hope you enjoyed <3

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